true. my abstinence only sex ed didn't teach anything when it comes to STDs, only that you can catch it when it comes to having multiple sexual partners and made it seem like it's the end of the world if you have it lol. The only problem is if he left his chlamydia untreated the symptoms, if he had any, would cause him discomfort.
They brought us some very nice people at school to teach us about condoms and hiv. They tought us the exact oposite. They said you can live a totaly normal life even if you catch aids (at an early stage that is) but after that you need constant medication intake. Saddly not all schools are the same I'm guessing thats why you guys are not satisfied with your sex ed
ummmm are we not gonna talk about the fact that rabbit has hsv-2?? I'm so fucking stressed thinking about how they are going to have sex in the future