I got you
So here are the major spoilers for Annie:
Yes, the Baron that owns the perfume shop falls for Aria’s beauty but it’s obvious he’s taken aback by only her looks and he soon realizes that she won’t ever show an interest in him and he moves on. Annie, with the help of Aria, frequently visits the Baron and with time he gradually enjoyed her company and finds her charming. They do marry in the end. I mean, Annie is an opportunistic “gold digger”, but you can’t blame the girl for trying to elevate her status during an era of Kings, nobility, and peasantry. She does fall for him so thankfully there’s substance in their relationship. Both Aria and Annie use each other and both of them know the others intentions.
Major spoilers for Aria:
Aria becomes “Investor A” and helps new money young business people and invest in their products. She’s extremely sought after, to the point everyone wants to find out who this mysterious person is. So Mielle’s maid, Berry, spiked Aria’s tea but thanks to the hour glass, Aria was able to avoid that route and Mielle’s most trusted maid/nanny, Emma, was blamed and was sentenced to hanging. Aria decides to finally reveal herself to the public that she’s Investor A and this news enrages Isis and Mielle. So Mielle has the stupid brilliant idea to frame Aria by PUSHING HER OWN FATHER DOWN THE STAIRS with Cain as a witness. Asher comes to the rescue and uses his teleportation ability to teleport himself and Aria to their neighboring country and gain evidence of their stay. So Aria goes on trial but with lack of evidence on Mielle’s side, Mielle and her friends who lied about seeing Aria push the Count, are tried for using hallucinogens, a type of drug, and are publicly shamed. Isis decides to put on her big girl panties and reveal her true plot; she was only going to marry Asher then kill him and take over the kingdom but because Asher is like “I don’t like your crusty ashy ass, I’m dating Aria now lol”, her plan B is involving the prince of the neighboring country and marrying him so they can take over Asher’s kingdom. Well this stupid bitch’s plan fails because Asher and the prince are buds and he snitches to Asher. Isis, her father and other aristocrats with their armies are ready to attack at dawn but surprise, they were meet with Asher’s own fleet of troops and were all arrested and tried for treason. Isis and her father are sentenced to the guillotine and poor Oscar is saved because he collaborated with Asher and the detectives so he’s now a commoner with no land or title. Mielle is sentenced to house arrest as her and her brother were involved with the Count’s attempted murder (the pushing him off the stairs) but they were almost sentenced to death just by the connection of being allies of Isis. Mielle becomes Annie’s maid

And I forgot if Mielle dies at the hands of Aria or just becomes plain crazy. Aria marries Asher and both do love each other.
Spoilers about Jesse:
She is one of the few people Aria has never really shown her “wickedness” (Sarah and her tea party friends) and is Aria’s backbone of her squad in my opinion. Jesse is quick to do her job, never complains and is fiercely loyal to Aria whereas Annie is “spilling the tea and gathering receipts” type of gal. Jesse’s brother attends the free college/university funded by Aria so that’s one of the many ways Aria has helped them back. I forget if Jesse marries a noble but I do remember that she’s doing well so that’s great.
can someone who read the novel or who knows the ending through spoilers or something tell me Annies ending, who she ends up with? her relationship with Aria? is it more sincere or materialistic? how her personality, character and development is? is she a better person or worse? and all the other juicy details and can you also tell me about her other maid jessie and her ending and the kiddies if you know if they have any ヾ(☆▽☆)