Summary: Rathians have 6 goddess who are seen as good- the four elements and light and dar...

redgolder August 24, 2020 9:04 pm

Rathians have 6 goddess who are seen as good- the four elements and light and dark- and each has their own following such as the order of light and the dark brotherhood. There is also an evil demon god ormphalus(idk) who has been sending over earthlings with guidelines to try and kill the goddesses for about 40 years at this current point in the story.
The 4 great heroes fought against the earthlings 20ish years ago when they tried to kill the goddesses and won. After that they got blessed with eternal youth BUT were also told when they would die.
This caused them to side with great earth and the earthlings to try and kill the goddesses and take their power. Great earth also has the dragons on their side as well.
The dark brotherhood (people in masks) serve the goddesses of darkness who was captured by two of the heroes who are now using them to get other parts of the blessing of the demon god so that they can go after the other goddesses.

Not sure if I got everything, but this is kinda what’s currently been happening for anyone confused

    Adler*Noah August 25, 2020 12:34 am

    Thanks, I was reaallly confuse. It now makes sense

    Theystolemyname August 25, 2020 10:11 am

    Thank you! I was kinda lost on what exactly is going on, I'm reading too many WIPs, lol.
    As far as I remember, Hanbin is trying to meet one of the goddesses (no matter which), so that he can get rid of ormphaus and get sent back home, right?

    Abs Inspector August 26, 2020 5:48 am

    Tenks fren

    redgolder August 26, 2020 4:28 pm
    Thank you! I was kinda lost on what exactly is going on, I'm reading too many WIPs, lol. As far as I remember, Hanbin is trying to meet one of the goddesses (no matter which), so that he can get rid of ormphaus... Theystolemyname

    It’s kinda confusing on whether he wants to meet one or all of the goddesses, but he does want to ask them to help him kill ormphalus. As to if he goes back to earth, he did mention it but I feel like he’ll probably stay on Rathna considering he’s like 47 years old and has not seen earth for like half of that and his friends there

    Adler*Noah August 28, 2020 7:05 am
    It’s kinda confusing on whether he wants to meet one or all of the goddesses, but he does want to ask them to help him kill ormphalus. As to if he goes back to earth, he did mention it but I feel like he’ll... redgolder

    Damn! I forgot he stayed at the red mountain for so many years and he practically is well over 40. Other worlders dont age right?