on one hand i want them to have tiny alphonse/chloe 2.0s bc they'd make great parents but on the other...

Teeth August 23, 2020 10:59 pm

...i also think having kids while under pressure and not bc you're ready for it is gonna be a bad start. i want them to literally have zero problems bc they're a precious couple and i love them but like

i am aLSO so thirsty for the drama ok
just imagine how absolutely wrecked alphonse would be if chloe was suddenly all, 'maybe we should find other people since you don't love me and my purpose to produce an heir is null and void now'

like gurl i'm 50/50 he either gonna lock her up or be a weeping mess begging her to stay and confessing undying love all over the place

and yeah i'm ready for it come at me bro

    Tien-YL August 23, 2020 11:33 pm

    Lemme ride on that trains with you, gimme that ANGSTTT

    But y’know best boy Alphonse wouldn’t do anything to hurt Chloe, so locking up...yeah....probs not gonna happen

    SaltyOmelette August 24, 2020 5:23 am

    You know thats actually what I'm waiting for hahaha I just kinda want to see the expression the ML will have when FL tries to leave him because she thinks she's breaking the contract