
animefreak January 3, 2015 6:28 am

You don't call that a father, what a disgusting monster to do that to your own son and call it making love while forcing him to her the one he loves cheating on him... His dad should have suffered!! But I'm glad they stayed together in the end..

    Wine June 30, 2015 1:44 am

    I'm not, the only thing those two have in common is they like to have sex with each other. For a lasting relationship you need more, that doesn't include you cheating on the other person with his dad knowing that his dad raped him. If anything these characters need a lot of mental help and drugs. Hayato should have found someone who'd kill both of them for being horrid humans, then had kinky sexy stuff with them. Someone who you don't want to punch in the face. Ryu needs help, like tons of it. Maybe he needs happy pills? Or anything...