Because, his sexual orientation is unknown. Even if he has been depicted as showing clear, incontrovertible signs of sexual interest in other men, that still doesn't tell if he's bi or gay. But, if he has not, then dating one guy does nothing to help us guess where he lies on the sexuality spectrum. Isn't that obvious? He could be bi. He could even be just a straight person who was confused and mistook his feelings of friendship for sexual interest. After all, it can get tricky for people these days to identify whether any kind ofemotional investment they feel for a peer stems from underlying sexual interest or just normal human social tendencies. The world keeps feeding you confusing, contradictory and complicated ideas about what qualifies as romantic interest and what are just pure feelings of affectio. And, in a time when homosexual relationships and especially the culture surrounding them is front and center, that can make people hyper conscious of any interaction they have with a same - sex person in real life, even about relationships that would have been obviously homosocial in a different time.
People can turn out to be obligate straight even when they have dated same sex people before. Just like, so many realise they were obligate gay all along after having been in a what everyone assumed was a romantic relationship with people of the opposite gender. Just like heterosexual relationships being shoved in your face all the time, everywhere, anywhere, has confused people so badly that there's hardly anyone, regardless of orientation, who has never had to struggle with clearly identifying the affection that they feel for their opposite gender friends as stemming from nothing but pure love and care devoid of any sexual interest. Even if you are gay, wasn't there ever a time when despite admiring celebrities of both genders, you were convinced that the interest you showed toward a celebrity of the opposite gender stemmed from sexual interest but the interest you showed in a celebrity of the same gender as you was just admiration, because society made you hyper conscious of heterosexual relationships. "Men and women can't be friends" is still a major social ill that many people are struggling with.
So many people have spent their lives assuming that they are heterosexual even when they have never shown experienced sexual attraction towards the opposite gender. They have had experiences where a peer of the opposite gender was nice to them and that made them happy, have had relationships with peers of the opposite gender where they care for them deeply. Many of them even have had happy, loving marriages with someone of the opposite gender and raised kids with them. Throughout all this, they have never actually felt romantic attraction towards the opposite sex, but because their cultural upbringing told them that when unrelated men and women personally care for each other, it has to be sexual interest, they assumed that's what it was. At the same time, some of these people actually showed clear signs of sexual interest in the same gender, they brushed it off as just a bro checking out their bro out of admiration, because that's what society told them that was.
Because they were raised in a culture that forced everything about opposite sex social interaction under the idea of heterosexual attraction, even when it wasn't, and tagged every same-sex interaction as normal, homosocial bonding, even when it wasn't, naturally, a lot of people ended up mistaking platonic bonds with a person of the opposite gender as sexual interest. With homosexual culture becoming more and more mainstream, it makes sense that homosocial relationships will, to some degree, experience some of the same pressures that heterosocial relationships have, historically, been under. In conclusion, just because someone has been involved in an alleged romantic relationship with people of the same sex, does not preclude them from turning out to be straight just like plenty of people with opposite sex spouses only realised much later that they had been strictly gay all this time.
also for Guan Yue they put “sexual orientation unknown” yet says he’s He Tian’s ex-boyfriend lol
could at least just put “a little gay”
which makes sense bc He Tian is a mf snack