Think about the possibilities

Raeji August 23, 2020 4:26 pm

In my opinion, I can't blame the queen for not stopping the og Pryde from being the despicable one. Since she already knew about the future, the present itself is what it makes to lead that situation, right? You could say that the future is already destined to that possible outcome. Basically, you would have not known any idea on how to fix it since it's already decided. You would have not known what is the right thing to do because the future has shown already. Any actions would be unnecessary because it would still lead you to that result.

How come the queen can't see anything bad from Pryde anymore and witness that the future is already changing?

Let's say,

"Every people in that universe had their life already planned out. Be it good or evil."

Kinda explains why she keeps remembering those reenactment of her past-doings. But since Pryde (new) had regained her memories from her past life, she is totally a different person now. Like literally a whole different person (that's why she keeps running from her supposedly destination by creating herself a new one).


og Pryde = bad destination
new Pryde = new destination > prolly a good one

^(if you didn't get this, just go back to the quoted text)

^(if you still don't get it, I'm actually talking about their planned out "destination")

ps. this is only my opinion xd have a nice day everyone.

    Raeji August 23, 2020 4:31 pm

    I know that her negligence was a really bad idea. Like yeah, she could do better but the queen will surely make it up for her daughter though. She just did it for the sake of the country and people around her. Please understand every characters' situation and don't just conclude yourself to something that is not good.

    Raeji August 23, 2020 4:33 pm

    character's xD sorry i ain't really good with punctuations.

    mvyc August 23, 2020 5:13 pm

    Although I understand what you want to say but still I find unacceptable for her to neglect her own child. It's basically abuse in a different form. And I think it's really disgusting for her to feel ashamed for doing nothing for her daughter after unable to see her future. I know it's sensible for her -as a queen- to act that way but just can not accept it.

    Raeji August 23, 2020 6:11 pm

    Just like what you said, neglecting their own children ain't really it. Though, I won't go far calling it abuse since she's really just doing her responsibilities as a queen and she still really cares about her daughter (but it's still wrong to not balance those well). People make bad decisions all the time, no matter what position we are living in, faults are always with us and this one is hers.

    That's why I want the queen to at least make it all up to Pryde, to pay the negligence she has done. The queen is a really good person, we just stumbled upon the one mistake she made. This is might be tough and I'm not really pushing anyone to this but I hope everyone could forgive her. The damage wouldn't be forgotten but it wouldn't also heal if you keep holdong onto it :)

    Raeji August 23, 2020 6:12 pm

    holding* darn it xd

    mvyc August 23, 2020 7:47 pm

    We just look at the situation from different angles. I agree with you that she gave her necessities and we shouldn't judge the people from their one mistake but just seeing the difference in treatment with her sis and mc doesn't sit well with me. Parenting is not just gave food and clothes. If there is no comparison it's not bad actually. They are imperial family after all but there is. This is what I can't accept. Like you said she is a good person and good queen so why can't she try for her daughter?
    I know my perspective sounds really harsh but it's about the issue bad parenting that I don't like. i hope you don't misunderstand me.

    Raeji August 24, 2020 3:21 am

    Yup. Even though we vary opinion, I do think that yours have a point too. The queen didn't handle the situation very well. The treatment between her daughters are really different but she has her reason like every parent in isekai webtoon. It's not like I'm tolerating bad parenting rather I want her to be a good mother for Pryde starting from now on (Not because she's the heir or sorts, more like to make it all up to her as a mother who realized her negligence to her child).

    Don't worry, we have different perspectives about this one and I really like sharing opinions with you uwuu. Like I really don't mind an oppose pov, I want to know y'all side too. Everything you said has a point, it just I have mine too xD.

    bluedrop12 August 24, 2020 8:06 am

    I think you're missing the point of the precog powers the rulers of their country has. In manga/novel, the universe isn't a fixed destiny/fixed path/destination. If that were the case, then what's the point of having precognition if you can't prevent what is happening?

    I think that's where your point is flawed.

    As a precog queen/king: I know stuff that's gonna affect the future of the people around me/the country. I know there's gonna be a famine causing hundreds to die. I can't stop the famine, but I can prepare so that less people die.

    If Pryde's powers of precog were real and she saw her dad die, she tried to prevent it, her dad didn't die. If he was destined to die then he should have died even if she tried preventing it.

    The future is movable is also canon in this series. In the novel, the stupid queen/mom saw the future that Pryde's behaviour was because she spoiled Pryde. So queen decided to fix stuff, but still precog said Pryde ends up a rotten person anyway. What does the queen do? She gives up. On her child. who isn't even 10yo yet and focuses on her 2nd child to alleviate the future. Knowing Pryde's gonna end up suffering.

    It wasn't ONE mistake, it was a continuous behaviour that lasted for years. How many days in a year? How many months in a year? Kids are sensitive.

    She's a shit mom. And a week queen. There's no way around it. She gave up on her kid. Honestly, she doesn't even really regret it. She calls it an embarrassment. Even if she changes her ways, the manga/novel brushes off her treatment of her child.

    Raeji August 24, 2020 1:27 pm

    I was just thinking about the possibility. I based it all off from what I have seen and understood. I never read the noble either so I really have no idea about what is that universe all about and just think of any possibilities. I do admit the flaw you were talking about, the precognition would be nonsense if that was the case but my point still stands because from what you have said, the queen tried to fix the problem but it still ended up that way.

    But you're really right about the queen giving up. It was really a wrong choice to stop trying to help her child just because the precognition stayed still. Losing hope ain't really it.

    I guess you could say that, one mistake that keeps building another mistake. But the queen died not long ago after the prince consort, so it's basically a mistake that just grew. Welp, I think that helped the og Pryde to become more despicable since her both parents died and the people around her are not helping either.

    If that's what you think about the queen, then be it. She really did it bad after all xd.

    mvyc August 24, 2020 4:55 pm
    Yup. Even though we vary opinion, I do think that yours have a point too. The queen didn't handle the situation very well. The treatment between her daughters are really different but she has her reason like ev... Raeji

    Thank you hahahaa what can I say? You said it all. It was about manga but issues like parenting is serious. we agree to that she wasn't the best mother till now. From now on how will she behave? Will she try to be better for our mc? I don't know. Honestly even if she try from now on I still find it hard to accept. But it is my opinion as an adult. For a little child like mc at least for her psychological need I think it will be better. We could see mc is blaming herself too much. Manga shows there is a chance for her to feel better about herself with the help of people around her. And I hope it will be like that. Of course queen needs to be sincere. She neglected her for years and it's not a scar will heal easily.
    Ahhh I just want our little mc to feel better when she look at mirror and see villain’s face. I hope she can be happy.
    Hahahaa I really didn't expect to talk someone this long about manga. This made me happy

    Raeji August 25, 2020 7:04 am
    Thank you hahahaa what can I say? You said it all. It was about manga but issues like parenting is serious. we agree to that she wasn't the best mother till now. From now on how will she behave? Will she try to... mvyc

    Reality speaking, bad parenting is a big deal. Like it affects the child's way of living. I can't handle those situation too but I hope they realized their fault and change :)). I can't also blame you from not accepting the sudden change because you also have your reasons.

    I also feel bad for Pryde from experiencing those but surely, she will feel better because of the people who will continue supporting her from now on. I just want our mc to be happy too, that's why instead of doing nothing, I want the queen to at least try. For the mean time, it would be hard for her but it would surely help the mc to grow better.

    I really had fun talking to you too! And sorry if it felt like I'm pushing you my idea but I really just want to share my thoughts about it. Let's both enjoy the manga uwu!

    (And if the queen didn't do anything after that then she really sucks as heck)

    mvyc August 25, 2020 12:56 pm

    hahaaa thanks :D and no you didn't say anything that sort of. i enjoyed too:DD yeah let's enjoy the manga (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ