I guess you do need things spelt out for you. This was not a happy ending, sweetie pie. It would have been happier if the two had never got together in the first place. Yeah, abusive assholes can fall in love, it doesn't make them any less an asshole. And sometimes that just means that there are OTHER motives for things people do, things like what Tanaka does. Too bad you had to have that spelled out for ya, eh?

Yeah, another one who thinks it's fine as long as an abusive asshole claims to love someone else, even if their methods are most likely pretense. Hope that's not your attitude in real life. Kthxbainow.

Eh? Hmmm Should I spell this out to you then, You are an Ass. If you don't see the little gestures OR you simply didn't acknowledged them then fine by me but DO NOT go attacking other people who do notice these things. Look "Sweetie pie" people change. I've got quite a few friends who are complete Arsholes... My self included. But once we got to know one another we learned to open up and bite our tongue when the other person was being a complete Bitch because you know... That's what people do when they love someone whether it be romantically or that of a friend/family member. Besides I just like Arsholes... They tend to be more fun because they are more froward than most people . :) ... Ah wait... I take that back... I like MOST arsholes... But not your kind of Arsholes :p Night night sweety pie ;)
Everyone keeps saying the editor falling in love is too abrupt but if you look for it you can see where he was already falling for the mangaka. Small things such as when the artist tells him he wants to stop having sex and instead the editor becomes really passionate. The editor also made it so the artist couldn't go off with the other mangaka at the reception. He rushed over in the middle of work leaving behind the well known mangaka because he thought the artist wanted to be together and was disappointed to find out it was a mistake. I love the seme even though he's cold and I think the artist is adorable. I'd certainly keep him as my uke hehe.