No no I think you misunderstood and I like the characters I just don’t like the way it’s going very much. And I’m not dropping it either. Also I am trying to understand the story and right now I’m not liking it. I honestly IN MY OPINION don’t like him with the black hair dude I just feel he doesn’t actually like him like he just wants him to want him. I am looking at the story for where it’s going. I don’t think you also understand how I’m reading this. My whole reading is not just me rooting for him to get with kangwoo but I want him to realize 2 things in a theory going on in my head that the black haired guy doesn’t actually really love him and that feeling he keeps getting when around kangwoo is something. Both of you comments are totally off from how I’m viewing this story and I’m how reading it and other stories. And the second comment said it’s based on reality uh no shit Sherlock I like that. And never said it has to go the way I wanted it too. It is a good story but the story right now like where it stands with him and and black hair dude is bullshit in my opinion. Because just the way the black hair dude approached the relationship was off to me. I read all story’s the same way I read it and if I don’t like how it’s going I think about how it will go further on and then continue to read it. It’s actually rare for me to wait till something’s completed. I’m liking the story for the drama I’m livening the story for its back story for the characters just once AGAIN where it stands I’m not liking.

Oh yeah there’s also this. The black hair dude I can see shows “character development” but once again after reading it once again for the 5th time, the bottom got out a a relationship he felt was one sided and kangwoo realized it too a regrets it and blah blah blah now we are here they are dating and he gets to hold hands he stood up for him I see all that if you thought I probably didn’t since you said “maybe if you read it with the intention of understanding” hun I’ll say it once again I read stories and will always try to understand them and think about how it might end and where it’s going or might go because there are different paths. His character can develop but IN MY OPINION again I don’t like the way he came into the relationship because it seemed off once again “liked him just to like him” you know what I mean. You can say you love someone but don’t actually really know yourself and you may not know yourself that you don’t know. I’m glad the bottom is happy but then again I’m also afraid he’s gonna end up right back in a one sided. And the reasons I think he might end up with kangwoo is because of those sparks of feelings he keeps getting and since y’all think I’m just full from your words “wanting it to go my way” or “rooting for kangwoo” I actually in theory just like 3 other mangas I’m reading like love or hate think he will end up single or just relaxing he doesn’t need anyone to be happy.

I'm glad you clarified that. Now I have a better understanding of why you think Jeonghan and Kangwoo should end up together and doubt that Gyu-Tae feelings for Jeonghan are real. Here's my understanding of some of the things you brought up and hopefully it helps you with the way you think about where the story is going:
1) Let's start with Gyu-Tae since that's easier. He saw his parents' disastrous relationship and his mom's even more disastrous flings after that and came to the conclusion that loving someone would make you weak and pathetic. So when he and Jeonghan first met in college, his intention was to seduce Jeonghan and have a quick fling. But he never went ahead with it and instead became so close to him that he offered to give him a job when he graduates. He cares for Jeonghan and treated him special for almost 12 years even though he knows Jeonghan likes Kangwoo and he didn't have any intention of getting between them. But when Jeonghan and Kangwoo broke up, he took his chance to have a no-strings-attached relationship with Jeonghan. Though he kept claiming that he didn't love Jeonghan, he was emotionally unstable, extremely possessive and jealous, and willing to do anything for Jeonghan. He left his camera to Kangwoo and postponed important shoots to take care of Jeonghan or to chase after him. He puts his career and reputation on the line and postpones important shoots to chase after Jeonghan, even becoming a wedding photographer. Also, he becomes a total wreck when Jeonghan leaves him. So, overall, it's fair to say that Gyu-Tae not only loves Jeonghan, he's head over heels. It took him a while to figure it out though and he behaved very badly towards Jeonghan for some parts of that period.
2) Now, let's go for Jeonghan's behaviour towards Kangwoo. He tried really hard for 8 years to keep a relationship going with Kangwoo because he really loved him at one point. After struggling for 8 years, he's tired and can't hold on anymore. But that doesn't mean that he can give up on Kangwoo right away. He still gets hurt when Kangwoo ignores him. Basically, it is painful for him to break-up but even more painful to hold on. So he chose to walk away.
3) On Jeonghan falling for Gyu-Tae seemingly out of nowhere, here's how I see it: Jeonghan has been friends with Gyu-Tae for 12 years now since his first year of college. He trusts Gyu-Tae and values him as a friend and knows that Gyu-Tae cares about him. His view of Gyu-Tae at the beginning of the story is as a fuckboy who'll sleep with anyone. So, when he is in pain after breaking up with Kangwoo and Gyu-Tae tries to seduce him, he chooses to go along with it, thinking that it will help him get over Kangwoo faster. Though we only see a few panels of it, they were together in that kind of relationship for months and during that time, Gyu-Tae was really sweet to him (when he was not being a jealous ass) and gave him a chance to experience a relationship where someone dotes on him. Also, they have more of an equal relationship coz he gets to whine and crib and seek attention sometimes, and be a nagging mother hen at other times with Gyu-Tae. He doesn't always have to be the mature one or walk on egg shells with him. So he starts to fall for him and then realizes that the relationship has to end at some point and when they break it off, they can't go back to being friends. Jeonghan has so few people who accept him and care for him, and so he doesn't want to lose Gyu-Tae and tries to prolong the relationship as much as possible. Eventually, he hits his limit because it becomes too painful and so he confesses and breaks up at the same time. But by then, he really does love him. That's why when Gyu-Tae goes looking for him, he accepts him so easily.
Basically, Gyu-Tae and Jeonghan ended up together coz Jeonghan was more open about his unhappiness and anger with Gyu-Tae, and Gyu-Tae was quick to fix things once he figured out what he did wrong.

I already know all that especially the last part I said it in my 3 comment. But my opinion still sits the way he jumped into it and the way he’s kind of acting feels off which is why I’m afraid he’s just gonna end up one sided again because like I said before love is a strong word you can say you love someone but not actually know the reason or really know yourself or even don’t know that you don’t know yourself. Just him doesn’t sit right with me because the relationship is just off which is why once again I always look at how a story might go in the future how it might end and will keep reading it or theory what might happen. I also felt his character wasn’t developed enough to start dating him yes they were friends yes he realized his faults but he needs some more work in my opinion which probably adds on to why I think it’s weird for this relationship jump. Anyways that’s my thoughts hope you read my other comments too because needed to clear up some misunderstandings.
To sum up this story it’s bullshit. Whole time I’m like he better end up back with kangwoo this other dipshit I just can sit right with like tf. I’m just so mad right now I don’t know if I can even look at another update.