But thtz wat makes the whole story interesting. The stupidity of his actions, which show how flawed he is, makes him quite relate-able. And the angst tht follows is something we all have/ will experience (wat instigates it may differ fr each person). Anyway, by makin this character flawed, the author portrays the notion tht nt all ppl are made perfect, and that even these 'imperfect' ppl deserve happiness.
Now that I read wat I just wrote, I feel I may have gotten a bit defensive and unjustly seasoned my irrational reasoning. But I just gotta say, I enjoyed the second story, and I thank the author fr her work. :)

Yeah, a normal person wouldn't do that. It was certainly off-putting and clearly a cry for attention. I think the idea was to make Aki jealous enough to jump in his arms and be like, "Don't sleep with anyone besides me," although you have to wonder how many girls called Aki there can possibly be in their school to explain the fact that he's got a new Aki in his bed every day.

Understand, first of all, this is a manga, so you're probably going to find that some if not all of the story is a little hard to believe. That's the beauty of mangakas, though, they write and draw things that they think/want to happen, and we enjoy it, whether we wanted it to go that way or not. But back on topic, I feel the reason why the seme ran to those girls named Aki (Yeah, there were a lot of Akis, weren't there? Oh well, Mangaka-perks I guess) was to try and knock some sense into the guy who was clearly into him, but just couldn't admit to his feelings. The reason why he imagined himself in the seme's arms that one time when he had his headphones off was because he actually wanted that to happen. The seme was just trying to make him realise what he felt, and also was probably trying to release a lot of tension he was feeling due to loving someone who refused to admit to his feelings.

how in the hell is that relatable cause if it was me I wouldn't question myself and if i liked the other person I wouldn't be able to do it with other people .

I agree because I know that this genre is physiological and I'm gonna assume that these people are not at all relatable but crazy.

if you've read the mangaka's other mangas, you'll find out how very twisted his/her plots are.. It may be very strange and just downright terrible to do that to someone you like, but i think that's the beauty of her mangas, to potray love in a twisted and wicked way.. idk about other people, but we think of doing wicked stuff like this too.. it shows the darker side of us and love.. if it's not your cup of tea, can't blame you~ it is after all quite strange.. but there are people who like it like me~

Like how your grammar us flawed, possibly even spelling errors.
Nobody is perfect,
like all of us yaoi fan-girls/boys.

Like how your grammar is flawed, possibly even spelling errors.
Nobody is perfect,
like all of us yaoi fan-girls/boys.

Haha....nah....lots a people do this stuff actually xD to get their crush to notice them xD I did it once and it was really effective.....oh, but I didn't with all the girls I flirted with! Only flirt.....and the reason about how come a lot of ski comes his way is probably cause aki is a popular name in Japan,.....like aki for akira, aki for akihiro, aki for akito....tons of aki everywhere....its really not hard to find aki everywhere xD so the plot wasn't really unusual...only the first though....but I also like the first, the yandere Seme is so hot and creepy xD it waaass so good xD

Its not cheating. Chitose didn't cheat. The real Aki denied his feelings and rejected Chitose, they're both single af. Therefore, its none of Aki's business what he does and he has no right to say anything. Chitose choose to fuck all those girls cuz he couldnt have Aki and wanted to make him jealous. And ya its fucked up, but it worked didnt it? Aki couldnt take it anymore and could no longer deny his feelings and they started dating.

In the end Shuu did exactly that... *sigh*
Finally someone said it! Even though Aki is a typical name for both genders, it's not that common for women so that it can be possible that so many female students in a boarding school are called like this. Also, I wondered how many times he actually switched to another girl? Every day? Week?

I was so annoyed by that, to be honest. I wanted the uke to not be interested in the seme and not care what he does. And certainly not date him. But then we wouldn't have a story. I dunno, I just dislike this type of seme. Well, it's his life, so whatever.
Probably every time he did it. I'm sure he has a life and school and all, so he probably didn't have the kind of time to do it every day, but whenever he did, it was someone new. Maybe at least once or twice a week? The uke might want to consider some serious STD testing for his boyfriend...
The second story is literally like: oh I got rejected? Well like me cheat on him with hundreds of other women while he's watching, and maybe THAT will make him like me