Summer August 22, 2020 4:25 am

BREAK//// SPOILER through chapter 25.
So I'm looking through the raws (and trying to read with my limited korean and google translate skills), its seems like the long haired vampire did bring the four-eyed asshole back to "life" after discovering him at the apartment. And unsurprisingly the asshole wants revenge. It is currently disguised as one of the guards. Currently it seems like the asshole can not lay hands on Sooin without getting "shocked," so I think there is some sort of protective factor. As you've guessed the long haired vampire and Chi-hwan (THE vampire) had a past together where there was a betrayal of some sort (I think that is still in the works). There is also a sort of rough sex scene where Chi-hwan is looking for a sort of "mark" that the long haired vampire placed on Sooin, but don't worry he ensures that Sooin is okay afterwards. Meanwhile Sooin is trying to figure out what exactly is the definition of their relationship.

    Cain’s Lightsaber August 22, 2020 9:53 am

    Sameee due to my curiosity chapter 24 got me shook

    SosoFr August 22, 2020 10:09 am

    Damn i was sure things werent done with this asshole, or else he wouldn't be on the cover though (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    emonline August 22, 2020 10:38 am

    what was the reason that he brought four eyes back to life?