I was thinking tattoo honestly and didn't give it much thought after because I've been watching or reading fantasy-related genre almost all my life but I also have a interest in the ritual other cultures practice and I kinda lumped the virginity tattoos to be some sort of magical incantation that are placed on the boys when they're born in this society so that the women can tell if they're still virgins. But, side thought what about all the discarded concubines who were having sex with each other will the mark remain or is it only removed by a female? Honestly, I'm thought my heart goes out to the men who suffer depression, intimate partner violence, rape in this society...like come on women make rules for this abusing your men isn't okay...i mean I'm torn because I love the women having power and polyandry but there should be protection for men who can't defend themselves...like wow look at what this story is doing to me...everything is truly reversed(⊙…⊙ ) its kinda a shame for the sex position though...in this world there are men that would never want women riding them or being dominant...in this society men can't picture themselves being on top...the poor Kama-sutra is lost! ╥﹏╥

spoilers ...
one of the male concubines was masturbating (i don't know what exactly he was trynna do or why he was doing it. it looked like a sad scene, it was the raws so i'm basing it off the images) & he took out this thing that is a sex toy? looked like a dildo. it doesn't show it explicitly but i feel like it's more than obvious where he stuck it in and when he did that his virginity stamp disappeared. that's why i was confused b/c he was by himself, so maybe it is magic. who knows
i get what you mean, i was so happy women are so empowered in this universe, but it sucks that it comes at a cost of mens rights. like i like this whole gender reversal b/c i get sometimes annoyed how even in mangas/movies/animes women are sexualized too much

You know what that answers my question about whether or not a female has to remove the mark...but in this society I can imagine he was majorly sexually frustrated because men are strongly discouraged when it comes to masturbating/relieving themselves. But that leaves me with more questions...like is there a black market for men who want sex but are ignored or being unfairly punished by women...or do women mainly use them for themselves and on the men. I remember Feng Yu had some sort of sex toy I think in a box that he showed to the third princess and that was blurred out so I wondered since he wasn't allowed mastubate did he use one? But if he did wouldn't his mark disappear...hmmm.
Yea the objectifying of women does get under my skin...like when I watched older shows in the 50s or 60s...I'd like the action and the potrayal of a woman being more than being "sexy" or "she'd make a great wife one day who cooks and cleans and takes care of the kids"...the rare depictions of their intelligence and ability to help come to peaceful solutions that don't always end up being war or being the brilliant minds behind great discoveries just to have taken way because they weren't men.
Thanks for sharing that spoiler with me!(⌒▽⌒)

It ancient times its a type of medicine mark for women, they get like this dot pressed into there flesh. But since they are using it on men I'm not sure if that is possible, but let's say it is, then the mark on his arm is just a type of medicine and once you lose your virginity you lose the mark.(⌒▽⌒)
so are the virginity stamp a tattoo, sticker, or makeup? for my readers who have seen the raws in one of the concubines it looked like it just disappeared. like i wonder how it works. any who i really like this genre of how the genders are reversed. since in this world women are suppose to be the men in the relation do they always top/ride their husbands. b/c i feel some women see men as sex slaves they wouldn't want them to fuck them or top them b/c of how humiliating that would be. i was just thinking how physically strong these women are to be riding/toping their partners all the time, being the dominant one all the time (⌒▽⌒) (≧∀≦)