Why are y'all like this?

PeterPan55 August 21, 2020 8:35 pm

I don't understand what all this debate is about like come on, I get it it's a rape story. It's like one of the few million in the world.

Please don't tell me you are going to all of them and saying that this kind of things about fetishising gay men and such.

People can comment if they want about why they don't like the rape and all but at least do it respectfully and not turn it into such a huge issue.

People clearly know that it is just a manga and clearly they're not going to do this in real life and I know that someone is going to call me out for being a sicko for enjoying this manga and that being a fiction does not mean this should be created.

That's so shallow minded, it's almost like saying just because anime depicts girls with unbelievably huge boobs is sexually harassing girls and that they should be ashamed on themselves and that all anime that contains that stuff should be taken

    Aachan August 21, 2020 8:42 pm

    I think it's alright to read this kind of thing as long as you keep in mind this doesn't apply to real life and will never.
    I just like reading twisted and fucked up stuff once in a while and that's okay.

    d^=b[,7' August 22, 2020 12:54 am

    What makes me laugh is the fact that short series like these involving rape and all got a huge amount of hate and what so, while those long running manhwas with topnotch artstyles (yeah there's alot in your mind and that's what's in my mind as well) gets soooo much hyped. To the point of LOVING the rapists and daddies. Like bru. Stand firm on your tastes. There's too much prejudice going on with these people seriously.