I think we see enough of her thoughts and even her doubts. we even see she think about the time of her own death, which again show how little she think about herself has a person.
I don't know, I don't think we need a huge text about what she think about in every minute of the day to understand her ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ especially if you know her family backstory and environment she live in for so long.

I feel the exact opposite though? She's the most realistic character among most of the manhwas I've read yet. All the other female mcs are kind to a fault, always about "saving everyone" or doing things with the least harm to everyone and stuff like that.
In real life people cannot afford to be that considerate. You don't hire people for jobs because you want to help them, you hire them for their abilities and loyalty. If you have an ambitious goal then you need that "using people as tools" mindset, otherwise it's simply unrealistic. As for her viewing herself as a tool, it's very understandable considering her past and how she was raised. Hopefully she'll realize her own worth later, but for now it's understandable.
Maybe it's because I'm very closed off as well but I feel like I can totally relate to her. And it's fun deciphering the meaning behind her actions and stuff. She's a very interesting character.

Exactly!! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ I agree with everything you said! Honestly at forst I didn’t think I’ll like this manhwa but it’s so much interesting then most of the reincarnation/villainess manhwas i read. In other manhwa’s the reincarnated villainess tries to avoid being killed and once she changed her life a little and start being kinder to people she is automatically labeled as a saint. But Tia is different. Tia isn’t trying to be a better person she is simply trying to save her country from ruins and she is using herself along with other people as tools to save the kingdom from falling into the wrong hands. Tia isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty and i like that about her it’s really realistic.
I haven't connected much with Tia, not as much as I usually would be with a MC. I think it's cuz there's very few monologues of Tia that expresses her feelings, real and raw feelings. She's very closed off, not just in the story but to the readers as well. It has nothing to do with her stoicness, I just feel that there's a lot omitted from her actual train of thoughts. Like she's scheming but I don't see much of planning in her thoughts, it's always results that causes a domino or definitive steps. There's barely any doubts or pondering. But that could just really be the plan of the author, to keep us guessing and surprised but that just kills the fun in being in sync with the MC. She can scheme and be mysterious to the characters, but it'd be nice if her thoughts are not kept from us readers as well... I just wish I can really understand her, not just sympathise with her past.