
Anonymous August 21, 2020 1:16 am

I have a question. Isn’t he able to use lightning? Can’t he just electrocute the monsters in the water? I mean, why would he fight individual monsters when he can just shoot lightning at the water, killing the sea monsters and greatly reducing the monster count?

    zaswas15 August 21, 2020 7:49 pm

    thats true but they said no weekneses, maybe the phusics don't work the same.

    kpii August 24, 2020 11:14 am

    good question, possible answer would be the sea monsters have high lightning resistances maybe due to their scales and thick skins, and his lightning spells are still relatively weak compared to his fire spells with possession of little flame bell, iirc his lightning is still at the intermediate stage while his fire is in tjr advanced stage

    zaswas15 August 24, 2020 12:19 pm
    good question, possible answer would be the sea monsters have high lightning resistances maybe due to their scales and thick skins, and his lightning spells are still relatively weak compared to his fire spells... kpii

    or maybe doing that would hurt the fishes in the water? Or the other peaceful living creatures and the mages try not to you know cause mass destruction? I don't know how far magical Lightning in water can go but what it if could travel really far and hurt other people?
