Well then...

demon13o August 20, 2020 1:44 pm

First it felt like a combo of 3 different series then it took a sharp turn down Solo Leveling alley... followed by a quick jump on the roller coaster with how fast it moved not giving you the ample amount of time to care before it nose dives into parts similar to Raid... Jebus this had potential but the moment it moved so fast with his emotion switch was all over and not what you'd expect for someone who just watched the entire party he was with and his only two friends by murdered by a hidden boss in front of him...

Honestly a few weeks ain't gonna cut it for his emotions to just snap to killing intent from a second of numb. It just looked like the author just wanted to start the action while ignoring the basic parts of story building... It really tilts me when I see things just go up in flames at the start. I had to not only push through but had to tell myself not to stop to see if it gets better -_-

Maybe it might, but I'll have to sit this one down a while. The damn plot just bounces with a ton of detail slammed in too fast without any rhyme or reason behind it. Take that dungeon system, it just increased the difficulty of the dungeon without cause and the fact more than one person can be in the dungeon in a different pocket realm from the looks of it but that wasn't explained. This series has all the shit tossed at you but didn't bother to give you the information you need to actually understand this world. Last time I checked real world dungeons don't operate like video game dungeons so not sure how they work like that here. I'm sure you've just caught on how you missed that detail.

Then there's another detail the "awakening stones" no explanation other that you use them, great so how? What for? Hell maybe toss us a bone and explain the shit that happened when he killed the first hidden boss! Honestly this mess has to be such a hot mess of misinformation all over the place. Because how the hell did he get out of the dungeon? Was it one of those "after a time limit" you're forced out? Then they could have avoided the hidden boss by keeping away till the time limit was over. Or how about questioning the simple one that might be on our minds. How did the conversation go that he had to explain that a hidden boss squad wiped his party and he was the sole survivor; a healer who managed to slay the hidden boss? See there is so much there that leaves you wondering at least in other series they do give you the details and explain what happens.

If a party doesn't report in then the officials go to the dungeon to find out what happened and why. Did a party do that? Or wait is the dungeon realm locked by parties? See there is some confusion here that makes it hard to comprehend.

    freakthegeek August 22, 2020 6:56 am

    OMG I AGREE WITH EVERYTHING YOU SAID!! Its got potential but jeez its left, right, up and down with this.

    Ioan August 22, 2020 2:31 pm

    100% agree i also tried not to stop watching it just so i can see if it gets better and to comment to the people that the story line is awful

    demon13o September 5, 2020 12:22 pm

    ;-; Is it just me or did the art get worse? Like it's rougher and as though less care went into the drawing of it? They went to town with the blur and burn tool in chapter 15 to the point it hurts to look at the characters ._.

    And his personality only gets worse... I just can't... This might end up being a lost cause with no help for the characters...

    Then there are so many parts that the art really looks like someone new to art programs colored it in some frames ._. Where did it go from chapter one to this? They fire the artist?

    barbz100 September 7, 2020 10:20 am

    the only aspect similar to raid is the harem that no one asked for