I mean I can forgive his having an affair while his wife is dying because losing your partner can be stressful and you want to turn away from death and stuff. But neglecting his child and then turning around and revealing he’s bother child’s hero... idk if you wanna show the way people aren’t black and white there are ways that don’t unnecessarily muddy the waters of your narrative.

They told us he was going to see another woman. His mom acknowledged to Taiga that her husband loved multiple people at once and was seeing another woman. She wouldn’t rather tell her son his dad is off with another woman rather than explain that his father is involved in a trial if that were the case. Also, if I remember correctly, we are shown the parents fighting and that they stay together because the wife/mother said they needed to for their child. The dad uses that to thrown in her face after they get into a fight to make her feel bad for arguing with him even though it is implied that her pain over his infidelity is what caused the fighting. So it’s easy to interpret that his mother, though she didn’t like him cheating, chose to present her husbands infidelity in a more grey tone to her son so that he wouldn’t resent his father so much because she knew she was dying and that he would only have his father soon. Taiga resents his father anyway because it showed him the harsh reality that his dad wasn’t a hero, he was as fallible as any other human and was unkind to his mother. That’s why to me flipping around and making his dad be a “hero” for Arima would seem to unnecessarily muddle the narrative. It would also be very contrived for if everyone in the world the person who saved him just so happens to be the guy he’s starting to open up to and eventually see romantically...and to muddy the waters more then it becomes a question of do I like Taiga or do I just project his father onto him and like the feeling of safety I feel from that? And to me it’s like...let’s not open so many doors lol

OhHh... I see. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I can now see why you said that, especially your point about him seeing taiga’s dad in taiga and taiga finally discovering that his dad is capable of mistakes. it could lead to false idolization or a relationship built on that
I wonder why his dad went off then, or maybe that’s just him being a deadbeat dad
It was Taiga's father, wasn't it?