I didn't hate on Jennette? God do people not know how to read anymore? I said all spoon writes for Jenette is how lonely and and sad she is but it's starting to get old. Give her some hobbies for fucks sake. Make her do something interesting idk. And the rest of the comments weren't made by me, I said I saw people saying stuff like that. I didn't get emotional either, It's just fascinating how dumb people can get
"give her some hobbies for fucks sake. Make her do something interesting idk."
like juggling or something lol? its a little late to be making any changes to her character now. thats not the issue, the author needed to set a certain tone for the end of the chapter and jennette just happened to be that character for that roll, because shes a risk factor or a walking time bomb (not by any fault of her own of course) but shes using jennette to build tension in the story. you can do that if shes off having tea parties or playing hop scotch can you
I don't understand why spoon tries to make us like Jennette so hard, "oohh look at her!! She's sad and lonelyyyyy, give her your loveeee!!" like i get it and yeah she should get a happy ending too but all her scene's are like this. I've seen people make fan pages for Jennette where they say they hate Athy saying she copies Jennette and I'm like what!?? They make ones for penelope too ☠ Like that fucking bitch cheated on Claude and gave him trust issuess broooooo how do you like her????