If you still consider reading it (which I do) you might want to skip ch76 when you get there because it has a larger rape theme. Not anything like shocking just that someone goes in to a runt and cant really control it. I think that's the only one I can remember that was meant to be a bit rapey. Other than that it's a really good read.

I deadass was in a thread where the person replying to me tried to say Dojin was sorry and what happened at least resulted in byul...I was like, are you trying to justify rape because the resulting baby is cute?? Because the rapist ran out to buy his victims snacks??
They then said the author has “clarified” dojin didnt rape hyesung...thats cool and all but the author can’t redefine what constitutes rape. We have scenes where someone who would have normally said no is in a altered mental state and unable to give valid consent...and scenes where he is flat out saying no and crying.
Its fucking bonkers.

Man, I’m about to propose to your beautiful ass, because yes to every fucking thing you said. I am so tired of this comic getting the hype and praise it does with it’s stupid shit characters. Chapter seventy fucking whatever snd People are now like “omg, hyesung chara development is sooo good.”
What? He’s still a whiney cunt who bitched at his kid (not before trying to sell him to a rapist) then married his rapist because he clearly figured out he can’t get through life being a bitch ass baby so he might as well marry money.

Thanks for the clear answer on the rape matter! At first the other replies made it sound like dubious consent, so i was thinking on giving it a shot. Now it sounds like there's also some pretty unlikable main characters, which is something that would make me absolutely drop a story. Your other replies on this thread also solidified my decision, thanks!

Thanks for informing me about the chapter that would contain the most clear scene about rape, but based on the fact that the heat made it uncontrollable makes it seem like it'll be rape on the other person. I was hoping since this has highly rated as an omegaverse it would be more wholesome or not heavily included rape/heat scenes. Thanks for the info though!

Yikes, those scenes sound horrifying. I also dont agree with letting the rapist/abuser/asshole get away with their awful acts just because they act nice and lovey dovey after. Kinda wild that the author stated that it wasn't rape like they can change the requirements in order to be considered rape :( Thank you for the info!

Cause I wanted to see if these characters could redeem themselves, which they didn’t. Dojin is still an oblivious jerk off and Hyesung is still a whiny ass. At chapter seventy fucking eight he’a still acting like a cunt. Yelling at his kid and whining about nothing. Fuck them both. And Byul isn’t even that cute.
Can anyone please inform me if this story contains rape? I would rather avoid it if it does, and I'm interested in this story from its summary but I can't seem to find a rape tag on this story :(