I'm all for it...I love that ArwinxLatte drama/blooming love...my second fav is the Duke I mean I get why he has genophobia...especially with having obsessive stalkers claim they love him...but now it seems him and latte have a friendship of sorts...the prince is pretty but still not really interested in him. If you could be so kind to spoil us...I'd love to know what happens between the lovely couple! ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

Lol...even though that would be sweet...I don't think that they're at that point where he'd show her something like tears or his vulnerability...it would be cool to know what life was like on the streets for him since out of all the male leads he's the only one that wasn't raised in wealth...like who are his parents? But when it comes to romance...I mean he went from just interested in the "dear customer" to serious about pursuing her when he chose to take her to his room and favorite spot in the wizard tower and Latte's response to his famous line that won him over, "Do you think I'm a monster?" I loved Latte's response to it even if she couldn't remember what Ibelin originally said...probably wouldn't have been as natural or believable as..."you mean you're not...I mean there are many kinds of monsters:normal, bad, but I guess you're a good monster!" Honestly, when she fainted he'd probably be worried but he's more likely to tease and joke. After he takes her back home and lays her on her bed I can imagine him waiting for her to wake up...playing in her now messy curls...poking her cheeks and watching her make different faces until she wakes up. I think if she cries since for the first time she felt that her new life is real and she isn't watching the best HD version of her favorite novel play out before her eyes and would have died, he'd wipe her tears away. What would surprise me is if he used her name...so far she's been dear customer or a pretty fairy but not Latte.(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

He doesn't cry in front of her it switches up to his POV and everything is explained. When she wakes up if I'm not mistaken he's just at her side looking at her or something and they don't go from dear customer to lover asap :)
It'll show his past and everything in a few chapters and it'll show why he fell and started falling for her as well :) honestly I'm like idek how many chapters again but after she wakes up they don't meet for a good while ( from what I can remember )

If I'm not mistaken latte and arwin end up getting married (≧▽≦) and ibelyin or whatever her name is ends up with the prince while the Duke ends up as a really good friend of latte :')
Ibelyin ( or whatever her name is ) does end up doing some confronting of some sort to latte tho, she's basically like "why did you take my men" or something like that :') but I think they're still friends in the end ( can't clearly remember I'm so sorry ಠ,_」ಠ
Dude..... These next few chapters..... *Chefs kiss*
y'all better get your inhalers ready ಡ ʖ ಡ