I wish you could edit comments. This is bullshit.
That's why I don't get a lot of rape fantasies (I'm not gonna lie, I had them for a short period in middle school because I was trying to rationalize being molested in elementary school). I have some other weird fantasies but I'm not gonna even get into those.
My point is that this chapter highlights why consensual sex is THE way to go. Why the hell would you want someone screaming "No! Stop!" and trying to push you off them or have them freeze up and basically dissociate in front of you? Unless you're fucked in the head, usually people want to have sex with willing partners.
I swear to god! Chubbles (my dove) is nesting on my head and he gives zero fucks about what I'm doing right now. Making it so hard to comment.

Yes, I dont think it was nonconsent/rape. I mean, he did say he can 'do' him on Monday and that's binding (per the transaction). At least he wasnt hitting or hurting him. Also he had the realization that he is an omega and loves sex All and all, they are definitely enjoying.
I cant help but LOL at Chubbles. He sounds cute!
This is new. I'm actually disagreeing with a content warning. It said there was non-con/rape in the chapter and I didn't see any. Isaac asked if they were done, Felix said no and they kept it going. Isaac never showed any signs that he wanted to stop. There was one point where he said "stop" but I think that had to do with him nearing climax rather than wanting everything to stop altogether.
No, there was no rape in this chapter. It was just the continuation of a really erotic sex scene. It was done well and you could actually feel something from Felix and Isaac.
That's why I don't get a lot of rape fantasies (I'm not gonna lie, I