It’s not mind games. Everyone has their own story and insecurities. A good example is the FL, she was constantly compared to her older sister, criticized and for fucks sakes the guy she truly loved didn’t love her but her OLDER sister who the world admired. She didn’t sit around and had a pity party, she put her big girl shoes on and owned that shit. She’s a badass boss!
Everyone has a choice in life. You can either move forward with your life and do better or feel sorry for yourself and be stuck in that same mentality. Goes to show who is stronger by overcoming their weakness/insecurity

Yes everyone does have a choice, but not everyone is at the same mental maturity. Some ppl need others to guide them along and nudge them into the right direction. I just don’t think in this case what u previously wanted would have been beneficial for either party. It is mind game and unnecessary “revenge”(or like getting back at). In this case it’s better for them to grow together and learn communication rather than trying to make the other feel pain. Where as other Harlem(I have no idea how to spell what these type of book is) series really should let the Fl do what you suggested. He was also never in love with her older sister, granted I can’t remember If he told her that, he just didn’t feel like he deserved happiness(is what I got).
Also I don’t completely agree with the everyone has a choice logic, it’s not wrong per say, but it is very close minded and is always used to undermine mental health. Because at the end of the day, he IS dealing with a big trauma, and so is mc. Just like this show some ppl are able to face it head on and overcome it, but others need help in realizing that 1. There is something wrong and 2. That it will be okay. I feel like I want to say more on this, but I’m not too sure how to put it in words. At the end of the day, you opinion is valid but I personally don’t think it’s the right call in this situation.
It’s not bad but FL should’ve push him away a little more and slowly pull him in. I kinda wanted FL to make ML feel jealous during the time apart so that ML can tell the public he love FL. But I guess it wasn’t that bad.