
LilyLo August 18, 2020 11:04 am

I haaaate a "you're broken but i'll fix you through my love" type bitch. I don't wanna see not one chapter where dorim is suddenly struck with the realization that ye-eun will truly never love him leading to him having a break down. You're literally ignoring the hundreds of warning signs that were put in front of you and think u have a better shot at getting with ye-eun just because u told her how u feel.
Ye-eun was aware of chulsoo's feelings the whole time, just like she's aware of dorim's . The only difference is that he actually said it out loud too. Dude all of a sudden thinks he's on a higher level than the guy who has literally stuck by ye-eun for years upon years and still got treated like a regular pet that's easily disposable. Dorim is being dumb and i have no sympathy for him after this point.
