It can only be Stockholm Syndrome

Comadrin August 18, 2020 3:47 am

The only other explanation of her falling in love with him would be that she had completely and utterly lost her mind, in which case she would be wearing an aluminum foil hat to keep Kurt Cobain's ghost from stealing her brain.

The ML is a rapist, a blackmailer, and an entitled f***wad. He pretty much admits to these charges while smirking about how clever he is to get away with it all. Once he has her in his physical control; living in his apartment in a foreign country, he blows hot and cold on her, keeping her always guessing and pretty much controlling her every movement and decision, including that she will be sleeping in his bed. This is straight out of Psychological Warfare 101 in the KGB/CIA handbook for seducing and recruiting agents to betray their country, in this case to betray her principles and herself. As a side note, he has never used protection nor has he talked to her about it (not much talking with rape, as her only communications were "no"). All of this is classic Stockholm Syndrome preparation of the victim.

Then we have the denouements of his past. In the first one, his father only loved business and his mother was Roman Catholic and they took away his doggie. Uhh..OK? The second one, after he chased her down, was that he had divorced his first wife because she didn't want kids and a family, which he did. Then he met Talia, and fell in love with her immediately. Being afraid of losing her, he raped her, blackmailed her, gaslighted her, and treated her like trash. All of which explanations make perfect sense, ONLY IN AN ALTERNATE UNIVERSE WHERE ALL WOMEN ONLY DESIRE TO BE ETERNALLY TORTURED!!!!!!!!!

My conclusion: This has to be the most god-awful excuse for a romance story I have ever come across. The ML is human filth beyond belief, and the ending would be hilarious if it wasn't so disgusting. It is as romantic as a snuff film.

    rsk143 October 18, 2020 8:50 am

    seriously wanted to know how original author had come with god awful story line..what was she thinking...n why did the mangaka liked this one so she/he can adapt to manga format.