Naruse is getting on my nerves

sy1 August 18, 2020 2:10 am


"oh lemme just go out for dinner with this guy whom my lover (who never mention even tho I've been asked plenty times if I'm single or have someone I LIKE) is INSECURE of ahaha"

I'm not supporting the idea of avoiding someone just cuz your lover says so (that's some toxic shit) but in this case literally everyone who has eyes can tell that yanagi's interested in him so Asumi feeling insecure and jealous is warranted and of course he'd want Naruse to stay away from him, if Naruse gave two fucks about Asumi then he'd stay tf away from someone who's ACTIVELY pursuing him for the sake of his relationship but no he just HAD to go out with yanagi and not tell Asumi anything, blatantly ignoring his warnings and creating major trust issues
I swear to God if something does happen and Naruse pulls the "don't you trust me" card again I'll jump in to manga myself and beat some fucking sense into him

As for Yanagi, I neither hate him nor like him though I do admit he's annoying af
but if we look at the situation from his point of view he's just some guy pursuing someone he likes, he even asked that person if they were taken and what's kind of people they like and got no answer so of course he'd think that he has a chance and will continue chasing after them and as for the naruse's hickey situation, yes yanagi crossed some lines by being so nosy and pushy but naruse not saying anything about his goddamn lover mislead yanagi big time, like annoying dude probably thinks now that that hickey came from a one night stand or sex friend so nothing important since naruse didn't mention anything about a lover

All in all, yanagi is annoying af, naruse need to stop being so insensitive, dumb and needs common sense or even a new brain and asumi doesn't deserve any of this shit

what do y'all think will happen next:

a) yanagi will do something to drunk naruse, like a kiss or something which they'll of course keep a SECRET but when that secret comes out >>> big fight

b) naruse will keep it a SECRET that he went out for dinner while his LOVER waited for him at home and took care of his kid >> asumi will somehow find out but not from naruse's mouth >> big fight

c) yanagi will take drunk naruse home and guess who's waiting for him there ooh no it's the lover who was never mentioned >> big fight

d) yanagi doesn't know where drunk naruse lives and takes him to a hotel or even worse his home and asumi finds out >> big fight


Thanks for coming to my TED Talk ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    感謝さん August 18, 2020 2:28 am

    Well said!!!!

    The fujoshi nerd August 18, 2020 2:32 am

    I literally agree with everything that you are saying (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    JustAnotherCuriousKat August 18, 2020 2:45 am

    That about summed up the whole arc of the series XD well said!

    Readaholic August 18, 2020 3:07 am

    Yes I find Naruse so mind boggling. Like how was he even married before? Like he has experience he cant feign like he doesn't know how this works. When your f-ing someone on the regular and they cook and clean for you, plus take care of your kid your in a relationship with them of sorts. Even if you don't name it, its a relationship none the less. It like your useful to me but not enough to acknowledge what we have is serious. ( ̄へ ̄)

    sy1 August 18, 2020 3:44 am
    Yes I find Naruse so mind boggling. Like how was he even married before? Like he has experience he cant feign like he doesn't know how this works. When your f-ing someone on the regular and they cook and clean ... Readaholic

    ikr!! I mean if he didn't want to disclose information about his personal life to just anybody I'd understand but when it comes to someone who's clearly pursuing you it's a bit different. Like there's literally two reasons why a person would ask you if you have a lover or what your type is and that's because they're either close friends of your who are curious or they're are into you. And seeing how Yanagi's not a close friend only the latter reason remains. Now how would a normal person in a relationship behave in such a situation? by just telling the other person that they are already TAKEN. Like chill my guy he doesn't want to know every single detail about lover or personal life, just if you're are taken or not (which he clearly is). I mean doesn't Naruse get social cues AT ALL, it's blindly obvious that Yanagi's into him.
    Ughh this whole situation is making my blood boil

    Vjung August 18, 2020 4:53 am

    Truth is I’ve bought the original jp copy and had a friend translate the main story so I actually KNOW what’s gonna happen.... Can’t tell ya exactly what but I’m fucking frustrated just the same as you are like the first time reading it!! (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸