Yep. Red light district is where you find sex workers. Which is fine if they sign up for it on their own volition but this seme is for sure grooming him to turn him out. I like fluff so too dark for me. But I’m not shaming anyone If they dig it I’m not a fan of the premise cause it happens in the 3D world too frequently.

Well I knew what the red light district is, I’m just surprise at the conclusion you’ve come up with based on the title. If this actually turns into what you are predicting then I will drop this b/c that not my cup of tea. I didn’t interpret the title like you did is all I’m saying, I don’t know how to put into words how I interpret it, but it was definitely not that. So my mind is trying to hang in there.

My hope is that seme has a change of heart in the middle of this and treats him well. I’m 100 percent down for sex workers but only if they agree of their own free will not influenced by others. I mean wow you drugged him but not one word about it? Anyway I know it isn’t real but stuff like this really happens and that’s why it kind of creeps me out to like it cause of the smut.
This is for sure manipulation... this seme is paying quite dirty#-.-)