I know so many are crying, buuuut...

UntappedChaos August 17, 2020 12:28 pm

I honestly hate Kouichi so much right now. SOOOO much. Almost enough to drop this shitfest. Get your head out of your ass, dipshit.

    mercygrim96 August 17, 2020 12:30 pm

    Why? Why do you hate him for wanting to go back to his friends and living the life his mum sacrificed her own to provide for him?

    Oli August 17, 2020 12:45 pm

    I don't agree to this state but It makes me mad that they FINALLY have a loophole so they can be together without worrying everyone and hes going off of something that could be not true. If he was never born his mom could still be alive but he manifesting on the fact that he needs to work or something.(/TДT)/

    mercygrim96 August 17, 2020 2:03 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! KaiRoro

    I feel like you wouldn't be saying this if you were in his position. Imagine never being able to say goodbye to anyone who you care about, would you be able to do that? I feel like that will leave him with just as many regrets. And he may be in love, but what happens if that love goes away? He's in a strange place where he knows no one but these few people. I just think youre being a little too judgmental and not thinking logically. It has nothing to do with being selfish or selfless, it has to do with logic an reason. And if you dont like the story for thinking logically and not being happy all the time, then you might as well just stop reading, because life isn't a fairytail my dude. I applaud this story for being so realistic and not just another happy all the time and doing the expected things kinda story. Its good story telling.

    mercygrim96 August 17, 2020 2:03 pm
    I don't agree to this state but It makes me mad that they FINALLY have a loophole so they can be together without worrying everyone and hes going off of something that could be not true. If he was never born hi... Oli

    His mum wouldn't be alive, they already established that.

    UntappedChaos August 18, 2020 12:42 am

    All else aside, what bothers me is that Kouichi seems to be under the impression that if his mother didn't die for or BECAUSE OF him, then her death was meaningless. Therefore his plan is to make himself miserable and doom Caius and his country to god knows what... because he can't stand the idea of his mother's death not being his fault. That's literally how this reads. Because if he doesn't go back, no one will remember him. No need to say goodbye. His mother will still be dead, but the universe will construct a reason *besides him* for her to be dead. As far as I know, going back will actually leave permanent holes in his and Caius' hearts, but stay and the universe will mend itself and move on. I get that it's hard to let go of friends, but he has more to gain by staying and plenty enough to lose by returning, so his logic makes negative amounts of sense.

    Yay for realism and all, but also no.