his excuse was also wishy washy. Elin knew he was going to leave after delivering the rations, then later after being found out he suddenly changes his mind and saus he regretted not meeting her in that 9 months like he wasn't about to just leave her in his boat after dropping off food.
I'm also kind of disappointed that the female lead is not very smart or innovative or anything at all. She came from the future, she could have greatly contributed to developing their nation, but instead the story focused the romance too much.
I was even hoping women empowerment with Dana and Elin's friendly relationship, but that idea wasn't even explored. To makes matters worse, Dana became a sobbing nutjob who doesn't even talk. Kind of a waste of plot line there.
All the women are either weak or evil in this webtoon which is kind of disappointing.

I definitely agree with Ellin not using at least some of her knowledge from the future in order to more greatly enhance herself, her situation, or the nation, etc. I thought the story was eluding to her using future's knowledge when the scenes about astronomy and the days in the calendar appeared, but it led to nothing (yet hopefully).
And i also thought that Dana and Ellin would have teamed up in terms of power when the queen/concubine was to be chosen. But it seems like Dana forgot all about Ellin once she was chosen, Ellin sacrificed her nation's alliance and their chance at a better life in order to be with who you thought is your long lost lover? OOF

agree on all your points. I was thinking maybe Dana was being tortured or poisoned or whatever by the queen dowager like what happened to Moon and Light's mother, but then Dana became docile right after the wedding which for me is too easy? And also, Dana didn't even thought about visiting Ellin in her mini island prison.
I feel like there's a big potential wasted on the good female characters in this story, all the male characters get all the glory, action, and lime light.
Really enjoyed the story and character development so far! The main characters have some proper sensible thoughts towards others and the different situations, especially towards those outside of royalty.
I wasnt expecting much when i started reading since i was tired of the cliche reincarnated concubine/princess stories, but the characters made me stay and the plot made me love this story!
Why did the advisor wait 9 MONTHS to see MC whose been imprisoned on an island by herself? I kinda lost respect for the advisor when i realized how long he's been avoiding her.