
They didn’t end up together but it’s similar to what you described, these are spoilers so beware.
The student was a hoe, sleeping with everyone. Teacher made her stop. Girl fell in love with the teacher of course as he is a pretty cool guy. Teacher helps when it’s needed, which causes the girl to fall even further in love. In the end, student confesses to teacher when she graduates. Teacher rejects properly, even when the student pressures further.
Ever since I was young I really liked that kind of works, I blame CLAMP, BUUUUUUUUUUUUUT, I hate when the teacher doesn't reject the student, and they start a relationship, specially when is in a high school setting, I just dislike it that much, the teacher becomes disgusting in my eyes.
I have read a shoujo-ai where the teacher rejects the students and helps her to make up her life, at the end the students confess again her feelings after graduation, I don't remember the name of that manga ;A; but it was beautiful, and if you guys have any manga with that plot, no matter the gender of the characters, please recommend.
I think I just enjoy the platonic love of that "forbidden" relationship, and so in my eyes stays pure.