To all who are confused, so the seven kids were like donors copys to originals but at the ...

ih yea December 18, 2014 6:02 pm

To all who are confused, so the seven kids were like donors copys to originals but at the time the orig didnt need to them nor and worth some didnt know they existed, so they sent them to be sacrificed to the kaguya. But they survived and escaped. So now if u read it all already, then dont read this until finish these chapterrs. Okay to those who finished and still confused! This is what I think is going on, I could wrong about something if I am tell me but this is wat I gathered: They saying that actually the donors are the donors copy of the originals. So basically earth itself where they are is just a copy of the original earth. The moonstones to be put together, are the creation of the original that was lost and so the copy of earth all scattered them. And the moon is playing a high role of an omen, I think, like the kaguya who has plans all for the future and past people lifes and such. Uhm, and forreason the donors, which were really just copies of originals kind of dont see themselves as human. Since human are surposely just copies themselves. And about yui, like the donors they are surposely closer copies to the real originals and the real originals are like alien million years ago. So the they like yui and akira and all have a strong desire to get off earth and hate earth as the real originals did.

    loveall August 20, 2015 7:08 am

    How about the part about how they survived?

    Anonymous February 5, 2017 2:58 am

    Three questions (and this is for anyone who might wander on here and feel like they understand the manga enough to give a satisfactory answer):

    Why would the originals hate the earth if they're from the "original earth"?

    How does Kaguya have plans for the past and future people's lives?

    Why would they sacrifice the donors to Kaguya, if they were trying to hide the existence of Kaguya to the outside world?

    Anonymous February 5, 2017 2:59 am
    How about the part about how they survived? loveall

    It was explained, below...?

    Essentially, they took over the body of the originals...?