ORRR is just Yuan clueless about what's happenning and has never yet considered going out with Huan simply the possibility never came to his mind and that we can hope a romantic development from the two once he wraps this idea around his head
//sighhhhh idk man im so desperately invested in their reltionship i hope theyre not breaking my heart

Wait wait wait after reading other comments those tears might be some of relief since he bottled up his gay feelings for so long and is now relieved to see someone else (especially his love) taking genuine interest in his romantic interests (the boy used to never talk about himself and feelings underneath, poor him) if that's the case then cool COOL
And Yuan looked a bit taken aback by his description of a lover at first, he may not be able to identify into them ...
Im so so glad and relieved Huan Wen managed to come out cause that must have been hard for him to, but now i feel like crying ;(
This chapter was a rollercoaster of emotions i literally felt my heart thumping in my rib cage when i thought he would confess right after coming out but then nope but i was like OKOKOK everything's STILL fine i sense a romantic tone in their convo and then when Yuan said he's curious to see who's gonna be his next partner i felt my heart ACHE for Huan and my breath FROZE when his tears appeared duuuuude
im frustrated of what to think about the last pages, im like ohh shoot is that underlining a silent rejection orrrr did Yuan respond to Huan that way because being the little shy and socially awkward cinnamon roll he is he's convinced he's never gonna get a chance with amazing cool Huan Wen and thought it was the right timing to take his chance while trying to comfort him ?
Am i even allowed to get my hoped up like this ?? (/TДT)/ Anyone share your opinion about this with meee