I have this site that splits the existing chapters down more so it says it is 95 chapters (I think actual series ends at chapter 52) and I think these chapters are probably only up to 40 or so. I know this because I site that is now gone was a few chapters ahead of this. They haven't updated in a while but this is the site that has the most chapters that I could find.
Also follow it on Toonkor. They just started adding it on June and are all the way up to 22. I think this will be the only site accessible that will reach the end.
Spoilers are based on poorly translated and view of chapters in a language I have zero knowledge of, so I am pretty confident that I still missed a lot about the story and it won't spoil your enjoyment of the wonderful translation above...
Be warned spoilers below............
Careful what you wish for. There's a very good story here and some are missing. Not judging, I read a ton of stuff for the smut but when I find something great I rejoice in it.
Wonje brutalizes Heun. He makes Seungho look like a saint by comparison. Seungho hurt NK and drowned in guilt. Seungho miscalculated the ability his pleasure giving would have to overcome NK's resistance. He didn't set out to hurt him.
Wonje loves Heun so selfishly and how he feels is so foremost to him that even when he seeks to give Heun pleasure it is with reckless disregard to Heun's safety and life. He is an emperor through and through and has no compunction or conscience when he is getting what he wants.
The next two chapters will be interesting.
There is a reason the horrible things that come out of Jaryung's mouth come out. These were the actual actions that Wonje followed through with. Jaryung doesn't recall those actions but once a situation arises that mimics the past, Jaryung gets the inclination to repeat or to blurt out an act that Wonje committed.
Wonje only held back once he felt pain at seeing Heun suffer, and by that point he had done irreparable damage to Heun. Knowingly. Because he was addicted to the illusion of attaining Heun's affection. He didn't care when warned that he would kill Heun if he kept feeding him an aphrodisiac, he cared only that he could pretend that Heun loved him back.
He is also the reason that Jaryung doesn't repeat his mistakes. He starts to but something holds him back. Wonje.
Too late he snapped out of his insanity. Yes, I don't think it will surprise anyone to learn that Wonje was the one held by insanity. And he was consumed with regret.
The first time, he takes Heun in their previous life, it is humiliating and violent. He does it in front of Heun's people as act of revenge, I guess, once he thinks that Heun has played with him and he doesn't stop.
it is so tragic because I think Heun loved him or was starting to. But Heun had a dark secret: his brother was in love with him and had raped him. He rejected Wonje (because of this), who actually backed off at the time, but Heun's brother tried to rape him once more, Heun ran away and Wonje witnessed what he thought was Heun frazzled after meeting some unknown lover (Heun was covered in hickies and struggling to adjust his clothing). Wonje lost his f'ing mind after that and it seems he only regained some semblance of it after it was too, too late.