
LCU August 15, 2020 12:46 pm

Does anyone know where can I find the raws? Pleeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaase!!!!!!! ヽ(`Д´)ノ

    parkbogomi August 15, 2020 1:16 pm

    i had i link before but i deleted it bcz english chapters was always up to date, they literally always were, but today i found on instgram that there is 3 chapters more or so, SPOILER:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ they were talking only about main couple, Yu yang and Li huan adopted a dog and , his parents accepted Li huan as his BF and i think they decided to cut relation with their family ( Yuan's uncle) bcz he didn't accpet their son being a gay, so finally they decided to support their son and Li huan took Yu yang to his mother's grave dunno if it is actually just that

    LCU August 15, 2020 8:21 pm
    i had i link before but i deleted it bcz english chapters was always up to date, they literally always were, but today i found on instgram that there is 3 chapters more or so, SPOILER:__________________________... parkbogomi

    Thank you!!!! I used to have the link to the raws... But I lost it...