Thoughts on character development

Eveonor August 15, 2020 11:43 am

I kinda miss the rebelious part of Nakyums character. In the first half of season 1 he tried to refuse Seunghos demands and sometimes stood up against him. And I think that is what Seungho found attractive, he was not used to someone going against him and shouting at him, it was an exciting change in evironment. But now Nakyum is so passive and defeated that it hurts me, it is like he gave up on everything and is dead inside. Which is understandable regarding the circumstances. But I think Seungho noticed that he has gone through this change and I believe it kinda pisses him off because he was attracted to the rebelious Nakyum and now he knows something is wrong with the painter.

    kenma August 15, 2020 12:01 pm

    exactly, I feel like nakyum has given up on everything the moment he got rejected by his teacher and so he was like 'I have nothing to lose anymore' which is kinda sad

    Savana August 15, 2020 12:10 pm

    I make your words my words.
    That is why SH is pushing NK to is limit now, to get the answers.