Just a theory but...

TodoChokeMe August 15, 2020 10:57 am

What if cupid had a one-sided crush on Yeonho when he was a HUMAN. Like- okay hear me out. What if cupid and Yeonho both went to the same school, and we're actually friends. Cupid then started to develop feelings for him as time went on. But then people found out about Yeonho being a closeted gay. Yeonho then went crying to cupid about it since he was now his only friend. He told cupid that he was being bullied by other students. But cupid then got into some kind of accident and passed away soon after.

Feeling guilty for leaving Yeonho behind on earth like that, he wished to be forgotten, to not be remembered by anyone on earth. So Yeonho wouldn't have the burden of his friends death and his secret about being gay getting out both on his mind.

Cupid then became an angel and soon let go of his love for Yeonho because it's been such a long time after all. But then (in ch.1) as Yeonho is drunk and yells into the sky about his problems and cupid suddenly crashes down and appears before him, he called out Yeonho's name, LIKE HE KNEW HIM FROM BEFORE!! Feeling guilty about leaving Yeonho behind like that, without being able to help when he was being bullied about being gay, he decided he wanted to help people in the afterlife, by being a cupid, who helps people seduce the people they love, no matter what sexuality or gender.

BUT- the catch is, after you die, your memory of when you were alive starts to disappear the longer you are an angel/cupid. SO, Cupid remembers Yeonho, but only his name and appearance at first.

And then the next day Yeonho wakes up with cupid in his bed and cupid explains everything about the contract and stuff.

BUT THEN, the recent update (ch.5) Cupid knew about Yeonho liking acting. Like he knew since LONG AGO. And it seems like Yeonho hasn't told many people about having a thing with acting.

So maybe, like I said before. After you die, your memory of your human life start to disappear the longer you're dead/the longer you are not ON earth as a HUMAN. But when the contract was sealed with Yeonho, cupid HAD TO (according to the cupid rules) "remain on earth until his love his successful". But the longer cupid is on earth, the more his memories return.

But certain things, trigger certain memories. Like when Sihyun mentioned the auditions to Yeonho, cupid heard them talking about it (cuz they are connected by the contract), and a memory of Yeonho mentioning acting or wanting to act popped into his mind from when they were younger.

this is a LONG ASS theory and it's most likely wrong, but hey, it's interesting so-

May be confusing to read, but this is just a theory lol.

    slane August 15, 2020 4:48 pm

    this would actually make a lot of sense n make the story super interesting!!

    Kay August 23, 2020 4:54 am

    This is a really good theory but in the flashbacks it looks like Cupid was already an angel as a young boy

    TodoChokeMe August 23, 2020 12:01 pm
    This is a really good theory but in the flashbacks it looks like Cupid was already an angel as a young boy Kay

    Damn... then they met when they were in elementary XDD (jk jk i know nothing lol)

    Tres November 15, 2020 4:58 pm

    That's a cool theory but maybe this is an alternate universe I dunno