Hold on I think she meant that as a friend he cares about her but isn't sexually attracted to her...I don't think he meant it to hurt her or else they wouldn't be friends. But calling him a "faggot" is going too far...sexuality is normalized because everyone exists on a spectrum whether they are straight, gay, bisexual, lesbian, transgender or want to be identified as queer or pansexual...you can love and care about a person without being sexually attracted to them but many people go a majority of they're lives being scorned and rejected for being more masculine or feminine then what's accepted or being attracted to the same sex. Honestly it's not easy being disowned by your family and scarred emotionally just because love and sexual attraction happen to align for the same sex.οΌοΏ£γΈοΏ£οΌ

exactly, it was just humorous "complaining". Unfortunately, the biggest reason why I "have" to go out with them is to act as cover due to intolerant families and work.... it's sad, cuz they can be as kind, loving, funny, loyal or successful and still be reduced to just "that gay dude". it makes me furious, cuz it just shouldn't matter (especially for family)... so we make jokes to get by... like these or how hot and immaculately dressed they are, which is not always guaranteed with hetero guys ;)
They're so cute!
I like my gay friend but he's so bend there's no hope lol