Same. And I think it was a trick to see how NK will understand this stripping order. If he will protest, or strip and that's it, or if he will immediately assume this means getting party started. The latter proved to be true. SH went with it to see how far NK will go, and well, NK went all the way. SH's facial expressions say a lot

seungho is basically still asking nakyum why he has a sudden change in attitude: why he's so submissive and receptive of his advances when he used to be reluctant and in denial of his enjoyment. seungho asked this a few times before too but nakyum kept avoiding it. he's becoming frustrated so that's why he said "i will get a response from you to this question today"
"i will get a response from you to this question today" ...but we won't get the answer today(; ω ;) "i told you to strip, not to do all this" what was be planning to do then hahsd but i'm very curious bc was it something non-sexual then?
seungho is scary when he's mad TT why must he be forceful...but nakyum actually seems to enjoy it a little which was kinda hot(-u-) yes enjoy urself bb but if it was me i'd still be scared. man he was so frustrated at nakyum's obliviousness and obedience