Sometimes I wonder...

serralinda August 14, 2020 5:11 pm

if people complaining about "consent" here have been in an actual, long-term relationship. Because you don't ask for permission every time with a long-term partner - you understand each other's signals. And it's perfectly fine to try and change your partner's mind if they aren't "in the mood." Senpai is very focused and ignores his body, so he doesn't think about sex that much. But not thinking about it doesn't mean he doesn't want it when he's reminded.

Now, KB is highly exaggerated and bonkers - if you haven't figured that out, then I can't help you. Go watch some Wile E. Coyote and Road Runner cartoons because that's about the level of realism when it comes to Senpai punching Morinaga. But Senpai and Morinaga have worked out each other's signals and meanings by this point. When Senpai really doesn't want it, he lets Morinaga know and Morinaga stops. Morinaga didn't even try in the last chapter, leaving Senpai to work on his thesis.

Senpai complains and says stuff like "stop" and "no" because he's embarrassed by his body's reactions and can't get himself to say out loud what he wants. Morinaga gets that and Senpai has even told him in the past that when he really means "no" he will make it clear. Is it weird and super-tsundere? Yes, of course - for us. For them, it isn't. Hell, Senpai just got on top of Morinaga and rode him in the last volume - saying, "I can't," and, "stop," and everything else through the whole thing. There was no force being used on him. Morinaga persuading and coaxing and begging and guiding is not force. We've seen many times that Senpai can and will refuse when he chooses to.

Hell, Senpai was having all sorts of sex dreams just from Morinaga's scent and thinking of him while masturbating and moaned when he heard Morinaga's voice on the phone. He ran to Hamamatsu when he worried about Morinaga. He's trying to put Morinaga off right now because he thinks Morinaga should rest on his day off.

You don't like their relationship? That's perfectly fine. Stop reading. You should have stopped many volumes ago. This manga is about two grown-ass men with personality issues who have chosen to be together. They chose - they keep choosing - to stay together. Would this work between two real people? No.

Here's the real question - does Senpai consider what they do together "rape"? It's clear he does not think of it that way. You can't force him to feel victimized and traumatized. In the end, it's the person's interpretation of events that matters, not yours. You shouldn't force your morals or beliefs or standards onto other people - fictional or otherwise. At the most, you offer to listen or help if someone (adult) asks for it. Senpai and Morinaga don't need your intervention - they really don't.

    DeViLiShDDD August 14, 2020 7:11 pm

    I agree with you. People who can't stand rape and consent and all shuld really have stop reading this manga after first chaper and do something better instead of wasting 10-12years of their life simply complaint for a fictional story.
    Ur comment really said everything I felt. Applaud for comment

    Tama August 14, 2020 11:29 pm
    I agree with you. People who can't stand rape and consent and all shuld really have stop reading this manga after first chaper and do something better instead of wasting 10-12years of their life simply complain... DeViLiShDDD

    Exactly so fed up of people moaning about kB