I'm just gonna ignore...

Lynda79 August 14, 2020 4:41 pm

I love this story. I love Kiryuuin and what's his face. What i dont love is the comment section. Maybe because I'm an old gay, probs old enough to be a parent some of ya'll, but it's almost like some of you want to be offended for other people so bad you have moved to the fictional world, to be offended for someone who seems perfectly fine. Chris was worried about Kiryuuin using the woman's restroom, because biologically she has a penis. If busted, that's considered a sex crime in Japan. The "but you're gay", "well, you still have a penis" was obviously a joke, but where was the lie? Do they refuse to go in public with her? No. Do they bully, or ridicule her? No. They call her cute and carry on with their day.
