Triggering Warning: R*pe

apple pi August 14, 2020 2:57 pm


I'm sick and tired of r*pe being brushed away just because the character is attractive. In Chapter 7 - 8, Yahwi r*ped Jooin. You can say he gave consent, but he clearly believed it was just a dream, before, during, and after the s3x. He isn't even aware of his first time being taken away but Yahwi. Even if he wanted it, it doesn't make it right, Yahwi should've did it when he was completely sober, and in the right mindset to give proper consent.

There's no excuse to r*pe, Yahwi only had s3x with Jooin because he was turned on, he clearly doesn't see Jooin as a person, more of just a sex doll, a source of relief.

I know many of you will hate and disagree with me, but I couldn't care less.

Please note: Fiction affects reality.

    Nico Yazawa August 14, 2020 3:05 pm

    Nah. You’re completely right. I remember thinking “that was rape, right?” around one of those episodes. I was surprised when I didn’t see anyone talking about it in the comments..

    apple pi August 14, 2020 3:06 pm
    Nah. You’re completely right. I remember thinking “that was rape, right?” around one of those episodes. I was surprised when I didn’t see anyone talking about it in the comments.. Nico Yazawa

    yeah, i'm surprised by how normalised r*pe is on here, i just hope that people realise how wrong it is to normalise r*pe and act like that r*pe has never happened.

    Yuuri August 14, 2020 3:15 pm

    I actually appreciate this, sometimes its easy to forget that these things arent normal and can actually cause a lot of trauma for some people (even if it fiction). It's a nice reminder that fantasy is always based on some form of reality. So thank you

    omander August 14, 2020 3:16 pm


    Ara August 14, 2020 3:33 pm

    Nah. Im also with you. I honestly hate yahwi for doing that. He doesn't deserve jooin. That's why im pro-cain ever since he showed up. Idk but he radiates that soft uwu energy

    apple pi August 14, 2020 3:33 pm
    I actually appreciate this, sometimes its easy to forget that these things arent normal and can actually cause a lot of trauma for some people (even if it fiction). It's a nice reminder that fantasy is always b... Yuuri

    you're welcome, i just hope people realise it's damaging, even if it's fiction.

    Ephemeral August 14, 2020 3:35 pm

    Nobody thinks rape is okay and if you try to evaluate every real-life law into a fictional world then everything would fall apart and nothing would make sense. If you can't distinguish the actual malicious intent of a real human being doing the act and an author using fictional characters as way to forward the plot or force character development. If you are dealing with trauma then it gives you more reason to rethink your choice of genre since maybe it is not for you.

    apple pi August 14, 2020 3:35 pm
    Nah. Im also with you. I honestly hate yahwi for doing that. He doesn't deserve jooin. That's why im pro-cain ever since he showed up. Idk but he radiates that soft uwu energy Ara

    cain deserves everything, i have all my hope on him.

    apple pi August 14, 2020 3:35 pm


    apple pi August 14, 2020 3:38 pm
    Nobody thinks rape is okay and if you try to evaluate every real-life law into a fictional world then everything would fall apart and nothing would make sense. If you can't distinguish the actual malicious inte... Ephemeral

    There's so many people excusing r*pe, it's clearly wrong even if it is fiction. You wouldn't defend a r*pist in real life, so why defend a fictional one? Fiction affects reality, and I'm just trying to make it clear that people shouldn't treat r*pe like it's normal, because that's what people are treating it as, even if it's just fictional. Barely anyone mentioned r*pe after that chapter, at least i didn't see many.

    Ephemeral August 14, 2020 4:20 pm
    There's so many people excusing r*pe, it's clearly wrong even if it is fiction. You wouldn't defend a r*pist in real life, so why defend a fictional one? Fiction affects reality, and I'm just trying to make it ... apple pi

    Again, nobody defends and thinks r*pe/r*pists are okay in fact, it's good that Yahwi is hated right now. It allows the author to option to give Yahwi his development or not and give Jooin his realization on self-worth and respect. I mean there's a lot of dark themes in literature but when people appreciate them they neither uphold or support the act - they just recognize the work. It's severly different if this occurs in real life but it's not, so try not to gauge or judge other people's real life morality because they don't show their reactions to a BL/Yaoi they recognize as fictional, or in the same way you do.

    apple pi August 14, 2020 8:29 pm
    Again, nobody defends and thinks r*pe/r*pists are okay in fact, it's good that Yahwi is hated right now. It allows the author to option to give Yahwi his development or not and give Jooin his realization on sel... Ephemeral

    there's fucked up people that do, or disgusting fujoshi/fudanshi that literally don't care and just want two hot men in a relationship, having s3x. if you really think no one defends or think r*pe or r*pists are okay, think again, the world isn't such a great place. i've seen people trying to give an excuse for it, and there's no excuse for r*pe. i typed out a comment to spread awareness about r*pe and how it's being passed off as normal, and how people treat it as it is. even if it's just fiction, like i said many times, and again, fiction affects reality.

    Ephemeral August 14, 2020 9:44 pm

    No one in the right mind would of course, since the nature of rape is it is inexcusable and yes some people will do but that's reality. Putting that in mind, BLs are an entirely different setting. Just because it is present in their work doesn't mean the author's intent is normalising it; they simply have a plot in mind to develop - I mean they don't even intend to make it a central them or dwell too long on it right? It all depends with the individual after all. You push "fiction affects reality" like they directly affect each other which is wrong, but even so, what should be done? Devoid fiction of those content? Limit the author's decision? The fact that you fail to acknowledge this, the setting, or consider that people are too complex to say that fiction is damaging enough to make them act this way in real life rather than a multitude of factors or own will and you have no intention of understanding above then it tells me you are just signaling and I'm done dealing with that.

    Sendoh's August 15, 2020 12:43 am
    No one in the right mind would of course, since the nature of rape is it is inexcusable and yes some people will do but that's reality. Putting that in mind, BLs are an entirely different setting. Just because ... Ephemeral

    I totally agree with you like when when will people learn to differentiate between reality and fiction !!! If they cant handle it just go and read some biographies books
    And what made me disappointed was their belief that we would support rape in real life .
    I dont know how to put it but it's the same when you watch a movie and find yourself drawn to the psychopath killer or the thief who deceives the police ....etc
    take joker as an example like everyone loves him but does this mean that we will accept these behaviors and act like him in reality ??

    apple pi August 15, 2020 8:51 am
    No one in the right mind would of course, since the nature of rape is it is inexcusable and yes some people will do but that's reality. Putting that in mind, BLs are an entirely different setting. Just because ... Ephemeral

    Even if the author isn't normalising it, I know for a fact that the mc will end up with the person who r*ped him, it's just the cliché of things. A r*pist and the victim together and the r*pe being brushed off like nothing happened is normalising things. Like r*pe is something that brought them closer together.

    But let's say the author isn't normalising it, some readers definitely are. I've argued with a few that are giving 'excuses' for yahwi or defending him by saying it 'only happened once'. r*pe once is bad enough. I just want people to not support/defend r*pe fictionally or in real life, as fiction can affect reality. Most of the people excusing the r*pe don't give a shit about what happens, so long the get their mlm couple.