Morinaga has tried breaking the relationship up I think twice now. Each time Senpai stopped him and told him to stay. Why? Oh right. BECAUSE SENPAI WANTS TO BE IN THE RELATIONSHIP. SENPAI CONSENTS TO BEING IN THE RELATIONSHIP. SENPAI HAS TOLD MORINAGA HE CONSENTS TO THE RELATIONSHIP. SENPAI IS THE ONE WHO WONT ALLOW THE RELATIONSHIP TO END EACH TIME MORINAGA HAS TRIED. Senpai isn’t violent because he isn’t consenting. He has TOLD MORINAGA TO BE FORCEFUL WITH HIM BC THATS HOW SENPAI WANTS IT TO BE!! Because he gets what he wants that way exactly - a relationship with Morinaga and sex while also not having to overcome his own inner struggle with his sexuality. He was violent WAY before his relationship with Morinaga, if you’ve ever read Challenegers, he’s going to be violent with any romantic partner he gets after Morinaga as well. That’s just who he is as a partner.
Do you people seriously even read this manga???!! Because these issues you keep spouting have been addressed countless times by the characters themselves.

It’s even hinted at in Challengers senpai has feelings for Morinaga that are more than just normal friendship and this is before they even sleep together. Senpai is with Morinaga because he wants to be.
He tells Morinaga he will accompany him visiting his parents who disowned him, one of the biggest emotional things he can do to support Morinaga - because he cares about Morinaga. That isn’t something he is doing as a friend. That’s something he is doing as a partner.
He compromises a living situation with Morinaga and is surprised Morinaga asks if he can move back into with him after his working in different towns - because he cares about Morinaga and isn’t just living with him because of the fire situation. but because he sees him and Morinaga as partners so ofc naturally they would live together
He tells Morinaga during their break up in volume 8 to come back and says outright “to stay by his side” - because he cares about him. Senpai has the perfect opportunity right then and there to leave. Morinaga said he wasn’t sure of the relationship anymore and said they needed space. Was senpai happy about this? No. He actually didn’t eat and collapsed because he was so distraught over their fight. Why care this much about a relationship “you’re being forced in.”
Senpai tells Morinaga it wouldn’t be a big deal if the university found out about their relationship - because he cares about Morinaga and has become accepting of their relationship. Not only that but this shown HUGE strides in senpai coming more to terms with his sexuality as well which is a massive thing as his homophobia was related to sexual trauma. When you understand why senpai Struggles so much with his sexuality and accepting his relationship with Morinaga - to see him accept it so much himself and be comfortable enough about it for others to know about it is MASSIVE. but sure. He said it just because he’s being blackmailed
Senpai initiates a kiss Morinaga in volume 9 and tells him “to just do whatever he wants, because if senpai REALLY didn’t want it, he wouldn’t allow Morinaga to do it idiot” - because he cares about him and WANTS Morinaga to do “whatever he wants”.
Senpai runs back into a burning building to save Morinaga and is emotionally distraught afterwards, initiates sex and gently placed his head on Morinagas wound - because he cares about him.
These are just few examples off the top of my head highlighting ALL the times it’s been spelled ojt Senpai cares about Morinaga and their relationship

Lol glad you had a fun time with your essays to justify toxic relationships
I'm not gonna bother after this cuz theres no point countering or even reading the rest since its not like im changing anyone's opinion and I'm sure y'all find this uwu so romantic anyway and just listen to whoever's argument that fits your own belief so whats the point, just know, that's still not how that works
even if you are in a consensual relationship that doesn't mean you've consented to sex in perpetuity,
yeah I know shocking, rape can occur in relationships as well it's not all strangers in dark alleys
so again even if your point is "senpai is violent because he doesn't want to confront his sexuality" which I agree with btw, doesn't mean that's consent? Like do you not hear yourself? Saying oh we've seen in the past where senpai showed affection that's still not consent and saying tht he gets what he wants is such victim blaming bs because at the end of the day whether or not he wants it mori is still a rapist? Like objectively? If he was such a good guy he'd try to help senpai reconcile with himself and not just try to get his rocks off whenever possible and yes we do read this book we've been reading it for YEARS more than enough time for the author to move their relationship forward in more than a "his mouth says no eyes say yes" model but whatever I'm sure everyone just wants to applaud the ones who help them justify this nonsense relationship and make them feel better about shipping them and all of us who find issues just "haven't read the book" or "are haters" sorry to break it to you but not every story is perfect and ppl are allowed to read something and point out it's flaws too instead of just hating on the superficial smoke and mirrors
cuz of course bringing up mori's bad points is hate but ragging on senpai everytime is just fine right well I guess mine became an essay too go off sis I'm sure y'all have great rebuttals
because why point out the toxic traits of the genre and the popular theme of rape = love in manga when you could just accept that rape = love and enjoy the smut
to end off my essay, senpai "caring about morinaga" is not consent

Why are even here reading a 12 volumed manga about one then? Also just because it’s a problematic relationship, doesn’t change what’s in-universe canonically true. It’s canonically true senpai is with him because he wants to be, completely go against what you said. Your opinion on the relationship doesn’t change that.

So you admit you have finished reading it. That would explain you not understanding..anything about the characters. Including senpai giving his consent. Caring about Morinaga doesn’t equal consent. Consent = consent. Which senpai has given. You wouldn’t know because you don’t bother reading The source material of the thing you’re debating about

Are you? Kidding me? Super tsundere? Just wow okay, also love the assumptions I guess I just need to be more mature to understand right and its not the fact that the entire genre misrepresents consent and yep I guess reading this book cover to cover for the past very many years just wasn't enough and go on love it if you like I'll do what I want as well okay take your own advive and leave my comment if you don't like it

You do realize there are ppl who watched twilight as kids and thought breaking into ppl's homes to watch them sleep was romantic grew up and realized how fucked up that was? I didn't read just find this book today and neither did the ppl who have the same critics we've all read the same book you have and sorry if we all don't find it sunshine and rainbows but wow just noticed your @ is sangwoorights why did I even bother arguing oh okay I'm done now I see where you're at yep I'm crazy sure you win have fun with that

What am I dancing around? If you’re frustrated your points aren’t being understood, maybe try explaining them better.
Their relationship being problematic? I’m not dancing around that. I said in my above their *problematic relationship*. I’ve acknowledged it is. But this goes completely against what you’ve said in your original post. You said senpai doesn’t care about Morinaga - that he is being forced into sex. Not true. And that he is being forced into the relationship. Not true.
Can we have a big deeper discussion about romatisized rape in yaoi? Yes. But I will have to disagree with you on some parts because I don’t think readers should need their hand held to be to be told by fiction what’s morally right in the real world and not. Obviously you shouldn’t see Morinaga drugging senpai and thinking this is okay in reality. If you can seperate fiction from reality, and not let it affect how you view the other which I hope you can if you’re enjoying violent video games and horror movies, then you’re fine to enjoy problematic tropes in yaoi. But that all still doesn’t have jack squat to do with your original point.
Which is that Morinaga forced senpai into having sex he didn’t want. Which senpai has said that even since the beginning of he didn’t want it, he wouldn’t have done it with Morinaga, INCLUDING their first time. Every time he has fucked Morinaga, it’s something he has wanted. If he didn’t, $3 wouldn’t fuck him. He has said this. You can find it problematic. You can find it to be part of a larger problem in yaoi. But that still doesn’t change what’s true in canon and for the characters. CANONICALLY, in-universe, senpai cares about Morinaga, has since the beginning, has wanted sex since the beginning and is the one who asked Morinaga to stay by his side romantically. You don’t have to like it. You don’t have to think it’s healthy. But it is what it is and it’s canon.
No one is forcing you to read this. This is a LONG story. And you’re reading it ... why? If you think it’s so bad and toxic and it’s stopping you from being able to recognise the story the author is telling, and if you think this manga contributes to rape culture, why are you consuming it at all?
How about YOU stop dancing around MY points?

Well it was quite long. But do u think u r being fair when u r always denying ur partner? Please try to love a person like that who always rejects u and tells u u r forcing them. Ik senpai loves Morinaga but he isn't exactly being fair to him. Idk what stuff Morinaga is made up of but such relationships where u keep relentlessly toiling for ur partner r always emotionally burdening. Though Morinaga is the one who does it all but senpai often rejects him, rather he does nothing without saying 'no'.
Idk u, but do u pair with such partners? R u ready to accept so many rejections always? Won't u wanna leave? U gave seven examples, do u know how many chapters this manga has? Senpai expresses his love just in seven chapters. Rest he keeps denying Morinaga and that is what is frustrating. Even now do u think Senpai will accept that Morinaga is his boyfriend? Cause they r not. He never accepted him. Do u stop someone who u say assaulted u in exchange for sex and then say they have been blackmailing u?
Senpai continues to deny everything when it comes to him. Yh he cares. And we can see that. No one says senpai doesn't give a damn about Morinaga but the way he treats him ain't fair. If I was Morinaga I would have left him. The guy can't even say I like u cause of his pride. Is his pride that important? Senpai cares ofc but when it comes do love I don't think senpai realised how much he affects Morinaga with every rejection. And believe me I think Morinaga is the fool for never being clear with senpai and saying he will stay if senpai loves him and if he doesn't let's just part ways. Cause senpai always just keeps making excuses instead of really accepting anything and that's what ppl r upset about.
The things u mentioned they r like diamonds found in a coal mine. That happening is always unusual and when senpai has no choice. And if I remember correctly senpai even hit Morinaga and said Morinaga did something to him even when he topped in sex. The guy just can't accept he is in love. Would u want such a partner who always says he doesn't need sex and u r the one they do it all because of. Who blames everything on u? Yh he cares. But how he behaves is disappointing. Like Morinaga won't feel depressed or something.
Love how the comments are always having a go at senpai for being violent and never bring up the fact that the entire story is based on the fact that mori blackmailed and coerced him into a relationship just because he's "nice"? Keep in mind everytime they fuck it's still rape because "his mouth says no but his eyes say yes" is not a real thing..... Also the fact that senpai is still so violent LITERALLY JUST MEANS HE STILL DOESNT CONSENT TO THIS RELATIONSHIP AND IT'S ALL FUCKING ASSAULT YOU PEABRAINS