victims of sexual assault can get hard-orgasm. it’s a bodily mechanism that they cannot control. that doesn’t make it consensual at all though so yes it’s fucked how it’s such a common phrase in manga but i tend to think of it as.. a plot device. the author/artist doesn’t want to stretch the story out to be too long and goes straight to smut and that’s either through sexual assault or a fuck buddy relationship. i don’t like it, but i’ve come to terms with it and i simply treat it as fiction.

Ditto. You can enjoy reading or writing about whatever you like. In fact it’s a human instinct to be drawn to the horrors and that, we subconsciously plan how we ourselves would survive the situation.
Christ, I have a morbid fascination with serial killers, I love delving into true stories about them and what they did and why. Doesn’t mean I’m going to become one myself, I can’t even stomach be responsible for killing animals (even the pest kind, rats, mice, snakes etc) in real life.

Maybe just playing on ignorance in general. I remember a conversation I had with someone who thought men couldn’t get raped by a woman. I don’t fault them on it completely though, media is a powerful thing. Funny though when “back in the day” the media views were gospel now when is changes too more fairer terms it’s suddenly “folding to the whims of the minority”

lol they’re just mad that their racism and sexism isn’t accepted by the general public. i understand why people are ignorant on issues like this, especially when those kind of topics are not brought up in their country or family. toxic masculinity is a thing, and many men believe that women are physically and mentally inferior to them so getting “raped” is the victim not being “manly” enough. i hope these toxic ideologies die out soon

Oh it will. There was a work client (he was in his 50s) who told me “I was young and didn’t understand” when I said that same sex marriage (They were just made legal in my country and he was going on about it) didn’t bother me because it has nothing to do with me, I mean it’s consenting adults not hurting anyone (I was in my mid 20s at the time) If it wouldn’t have gotten me fired, I would have said “ well, you’re old and your way of thinking will die out.”

I hope it does. Unfortunately, its quiet impossible to think it will really die since this generation is getting worse on the feeling of "entitlement" and what's so. Yeah maybe women are becoming more safer than before and treated much equal than before, but that toxic masculinity is something that will not die out in this generation for sure. Especially since men by nature are stronger and portrayed as more powerful than women, so they're not really given that much notice when their rights are violated. Its more as what you said, they are blamed for being not "manly" enough. It was the case before and it still is the case rn unlike women's empowerment(where we can see progress and development through the years). Its too bad for some of those men actually.
I know it’s fiction and I’ll be the last to say what people like to read/watch/play has any bearing on reality (unless you’re a nut who can’t tell the difference)
But good lord, every time I read the line: “He got hard, he must have liked/wanted it.” Or something similar. I want to throw my iPad across the room like a frisbee. It’s a weird mental tick I swear. Like when I hear the word “moist” out loud.