Yes and it’s also hinted at that Hyesung lived in fear that his father would also try to prostitute him out like his mom once her got older( after his grandma died), and that’s why he ran away and dropped out of school. The boy is legit traumatized by his family life and I don’t think people understand the extent of his trauma.Like imagine what it was like finding out he’s an omega like his mother who was abused by his father. His introduction into what it is to be an omega is correlated with abuse and mistreatment, and I can see why he tried so adamantly to deny it. I’m truly shocked that the story doesn’t touch upon this more, because it plays so much into his character and development. Only once he sees Dojin’s family and parents does he begin to actually accept the notion of marriage and what it means to be loved, but he’s still unlearning all the shit he’s carrying from his past.
let's recap shall we?
- Mom never wanted him or cared for him and neglected the hell out him and so did his father
- his dad made his mom who was an omega prostitute herself and even planned having him do the same after she ran away and left him with that psycho (god knows what he grew up watching)
- got passed around from neglectful relative to neglectful relative having the most unstable and horrible all around childhood enviroment
- Grew up hearing nothing but bad things about omegas and feared being one
- He lived his life thinking he was an alpha and probably knew the truth since the beggining too just didn't wanna believe he was one and held on to that lie to survive
- wasn't able to finish school like everyone else and wasn't good at anything other than math which made him struggle for money and stability hence the slightly greedy side of him
- found out later his father was actually a good father to his other kids just not him (adding insult to injury there)
- He was surprised dojin's family didn't scream, beat up or cursed at them because THAT'S what he thought families do (this actually broke my heart a little not gonna lie to you)
-He got pregnant at the young age of 21 not even knowing what being a family needless to say a PARENT even does
- it has been shown SEVERAL times how very little selfworth he has or atleast how badly he sees himself
I personally really relate to hyesung because he obviously struggles expressing his feelings, I have similar issues and for some reason I struggle to say "I love you" even to my parents and my life was normal.
- He loves byul and wanted dojin's family to love him too even if they didn't aprove of him personally
- cares for heeso despite how much they fight
- Loves dojin's family and clearly enjoys the parental love they give him since he's never had it before
-and YES he loves dojin too, it's just his personality -_-
*also stop complainig about how the new chapter isn't about the second couple just because u prefer them, they're cute and I Love them too but they're not the main focus of manhwa so complaining makes no sense*