That S & M story...

Junki December 10, 2014 7:46 pm

I used to read another SM manga about a club where a lot of kinky shit happens. I've seen piercing, candle play, different kinds of bondage, whipping and a lot more...and yes I've liked it. But this story is disturbing in a way because uke keep resisting and looking so miserable and pathetic. I'm open to SM games but not to rape(actual one) and torture. I know one of the twins said the uke unconsciously like it but it was never made clear so it's disturbing to me.

    lily_nuit December 28, 2014 8:59 am

    I don't think it's like that, he said it him self that he take this university to fallow them because he like them a lot. I don't think he would do that if it was all again is will

    Junki December 28, 2014 5:38 pm's still depressing to read this kind of story. Not my cup of tea i guess..
    Maybe the SM torture escalated after the twins coaxed uke into enrolling into the same Uni haha. I mean..the uke is an orphan without a single soul to seek for company..aside from the twins. So maybe he is just desperately clinging onto those two the same way those twins need somebody to release their sadistic nature on.

    Arekushieru May 11, 2015 8:32 am
    I don't think it's like that, he said it him self that he take this university to fallow them because he like them a lot. I don't think he would do that if it was all again is will lily_nuit

    Ugh. So, is that what you'd tell an abused wife, that she deserves to be abused because she followed the man she believed he was saving her from an even worse existence? Or even a rape victim? Wow. No, both Sou and You need to die in a fire fast. ESPECIALLY Sou. See, I'm not like them. I don't want them to be tortured slowly like they do to Keiji. So, I do wonder why you couldn't come up with the same conclusion? Or are you that much of a rape and dv apologist?

    Arekushieru May 11, 2015 8:40 am

    I totally agree with you, Junki. Both of them aren't really interested in BDSM. They're just interested in non-consensual acts full stop. They're only concerned about themselves and how THEY feel. They're at least psychopaths and at most sociopaths. Yes, even You, since he is an aider and abettor in Yanagi's torture. Both of them are sick human beings that need to be locked away forever if they were real.

    Arekushieru May 11, 2015 8:47 am

    A really good S&M manga artist is Tori Maia. While she does portray non-consensual acts of S&M she does make it clear that the ones that are consensual are one hundred percent completely wrong. And then there is also Kou Yoneda who portrays very gritty and noirish style stories. But she also only portrays CONSENSUAL S&M.

    Arekushieru May 11, 2015 8:52 am
    I don't think it's like that, he said it him self that he take this university to fallow them because he like them a lot. I don't think he would do that if it was all again is will lily_nuit

    After all, you pretty much said if you like someone they can't rape you. That's sick.

    Arekushieru May 11, 2015 8:54 am
    A really good S&M manga artist is Tori Maia. While she does portray non-consensual acts of S&M she does make it clear that the ones that are consensual are one hundred percent completely wrong. And th... @Arekushieru

    Sorry, I meant to say ...the ones that are NON-consensual are one hundred....

    Junki May 11, 2015 9:49 am

    Arekushieru>> haha chill man~ Nothing is realistic in yaoi world so don't get annoysed by this story (..too much) lol
    btw.. I like yoneda sensei too

    lily_nuit May 12, 2015 1:35 am

    waaaaa what a big reaction! I'm not for abusive wife or what ever, but I'm still sure here it's not the case ... and as Junki said, it's only a character so we can't ask him hun!
    But if you don't like this still... just skip to another one

    Sachiko December 24, 2016 12:22 am
    waaaaa what a big reaction! I'm not for abusive wife or what ever, but I'm still sure here it's not the case ... and as Junki said, it's only a character so we can't ask him hun!But if you don't like this still... lily_nuit

    Did Arekushieru say they didn't like it sweetcheeks? Nope. They were only talking about what YOU were saying. Applying the magical thinking you use in real life to fiction.

    Perhaps you don't read very well, either...? They DID say, after all "IF they were REAL". More reading comprehension, next time, okay?

    Also, where do you think stories come from? A fictional author who lives in a fictional world writing for fictional readers? Are you saying you're fictional, then? No? Thought not.

    And if you don't like what Arekushieru or I have to say why not just skip it? Hmm? You see how WELL that works, NOW? Like, as in, NOT. AT. ALL?
