lmao! but his dick is all ready 2 go when he's getting abused by Doona during their sexy times. like he comes multiple times which is genuinely hilarious like its so embarassing for him idk how he's just fine the next day and doesnt die from humiliation. truly a sub to the bone if only he could accept this about himself.

isnt that latter cause getting messed up by doona Awakened smth in him? and also he's kind of obsessed with her since college still? or thats how i saw it anyway. the nightmares are mainly of him getting cucked by wookyung lmao. but yes he's not totally impervious thats true. i just meant an actual human man would be avoiding both WK and Doona like they are plague ridden and prob find the nearest therapist...but then i guess he's Also a pervert like every1 else in this story. (which i love ofc)

He was having trouble getting a erection before she first sexually assaulted him in chapter 17. In chapter 15 Minho broke up with his girlfriend and she said she hated how his dick couldn't get hard. He blamed Doona in chapter 15 for "ruining his life" and it is her fault for his Ed. What I think is that his Erectile dysfunction is psychological and not physiological and that his unprocessed emotions towards Duna is the cause not Duna herself but Minho lacks the emotional intelligence to understand this.
I think that any sexual climax or satisfaction Minho gets from being abused by Doona is because of psychological conditioning and her manipulating him into it. It is not the abuse that turns him on but his strong sexual attraction towards Doona which is why he was able to get off when she was abusing him but not when Wookyung was and why he was able to have sex with her in chapter 53 without being abused.

i do think Minho's subby tendences are at least so far mainly because of Doona and not a general interest in being a sub. now maybe that will change...but for now it seems like only Doona can get him to go along with it even a little. cause he is rly into her and that's p much the only way she'd ever touch him. but i do think he does enjoy the actual domination and humiliation to an extent. that Said, what was their sexual relationship like pre their breakup? did they even fuck? lol. if minho had sex pre doona then it was ofc vanilla sex then why did being with doona ruin his libido so badly? like there's no real sensible explanation aside from his body craves More than random hookups can provide lol. but then again why IS he so obssessed with Doona to begin with? like i totally understand why Haesol and Gyerin are so hung up on her. but what is Minho's deal? is he just attacted to her big Top energy that makes him crave her doing unholy things 2 him which he dare not ask for or admit to. OR is he in love and cant process his emotions like a normal person and neither can doona lbr so the only he can be with her intimately is if she is beating him or pegging him or humiliating him sexually so he'll take it all on the off chance she'll tolerate him one day? i rly dunno what goes on in his head. idt the writer does or cares either lol.
also re: Wookyung. he didnt get turned on cause Wookyung is /terrifying/ and unlike Doona he could actually thru sheer physical force make Minho "submit". like he legit beat him up and made Minho think he might even die by his hands. its a very different dynamic. also Minho is heterosexual. even if he was into subbing for people not named Cheon Doona, it wouldnt be a man. it certainly wouldnt be the man he believes ruined his relationship with Doona and also is more successful than him in life in p much every way. like...there's no scenario where Minho woulda been ok with Wookyung putting the moves on him, bdsm or otherwise. so its not a great example. (i still want him to have a threesome with wk and doona tho. i know i know im bad)

None of the stuff about Minho is actually explained very well or makes much sense. I think the writer doesn't actually care much about the character outside of making excuses for him to have sexy scenes with Doona which is why I see this as just porn and I cannot really expect much of it outside of that. This is also why I am skipping the flashback chapters I don't care enough about the story or the Doona and Wookyung's scenes to pay more coins to see it in English.

just read the flashback chpts here then! they are alot of fun and explain alot of things about wk, doona and minho to an extent. obv there's not any big character growth or insights but it does flesh out minho/doona's college relationship a bit more. albeit from a different perspective (the flashbacks are mainly from WK's pov). i paid for like all the SB chpts on tappytoon until about chpt 60 and now i only skip the story ones since i have other comics i like to read on there so i read those here and then pay coins when i have a chpt i rly love and wanna go back to a few more times...for Research lol. (also the chpts are so short, how do i tell the artist/writer that it shouldnt take a month to get us thru one sex encounter...)

You can write author at @yeonhuiwoo on Twitter but they probably won't respond.
Between my comics, videogames, manga, webtoons, kindle novels, mobile games, blogging, message board hopping, and rl responsibilities, I might get to those chapters eventually but because I'm not interested they are low priority for my time lol.

fair enough. but i dont need to message her haha. its not that important to know her plans. i already guessed a while back that she based minho loosely on a man she's met before (cause he'[s def a Type that exists irl albeit exaggerated for the comic) and then during the 100 ep Q&A special she p much admits he's based on a guy she met in college which rly explains alot in that why minho feels so much like a person u could meet but also so hard to understand, since most likely she didnt understand his irl counterpart either lol.

Ah, hey~ About the 100 ep Q&A special. Would you be as kind as to tell me what did the author replied to the question about... where did Wookyung learn BDSM from? It was the blurred out, censored response. I am following the Spanish translation but I could not understand that part enough to put it on google translate, although they did translate it to Spanish. I am a very rare Wookyung fan so thank you in advance! I really want to know, if you were able to understand it better.

afaik that part is censored in the original korean too, i saw the og raws and there's no way to know? i suspect it was just the author being cheeky. its not relevant to his backstory (i doubt we'll ever know much about wookyung outside of his interactions with the main cast). that said if u want a fun wookyung fact. the author explained she based wookyung off the HunterxHunter villain named Hisoka. idk what any of that was so i googled it and hoo boy i learned some Things. and its chilling how obvious her influence was now that i uh researched? some hisoka stuff....the things i do for this stupid comic. i even manually translate the spanish chpts sometimes. anyway aside from his like mbti, birthdate and height/weight stats etc thats about it wrt Wookyung. iirc.

Oh, I thought so myself but the Spanish translator did put Spanish words, it's just really blurry so I assumed... it was possible somehow. But that's alright, I'll wait for English and see what they do with it a couple months from now. Oh!! I knew who Hisoka was already and I wheezed so hard because Hisoka is also my favourite character from HxH. Oh my god you are manually translating from Spanish too!! I am as well... I thought I was the only crazy one xD I also really liked the song that the author based Gyerin on. It fits her so well!! Thank you anyway and don't worry about having read my question wrong. It's fun talking with another fan anyway.
lol even his dick is done with him