Yeah, straight. It's not uncommon for straight men to watch lesbian porn, and it's not uncommon for straight women to watch gay porn. Hell, if you look at the porn for women section on pornhub, which are videos that are popular amongst women, then you'll see that some of the videos are gay porn. Men like watching lesbian porn because they like women and aren't attracted to dick, and vise versa. All that matters is that you remember to separate fiction from reality.
I don't consider porn as reality.
Reread the original post their question is not about gay porn. My understanding is: it's about women who like to watch two men having sex in real life, not in gay hentai manga/gay porn.
If what they mean by "getting turned on by irl men having sex" = getting turned on by gay porn then my post above doesn't apply.
you sound really pretentious lol and I don't mean that in a mean way, I like pretentious people. anyway, it doesn't matter whether she's talking about porn or not lol. you're the one that said "the more interesting is" them posed those questions. you could be talking about normal scenes between a couple in a manga or porn but either way I responded saying it's not cool to try and label people card on what they watch, read, wear, etc. you're post above applies to that statement.
Nope. I've watch lesbian porn, straight porn, and I got turned on by it. I thought I could live a 'normal life'. So I dated women but when it came to the real sex with women.. I couldn't do it. Hence, prefernce in porn doesn't same as sexual preference in reality. But whatching people have sex in real life (assuming all parties involved consent to it and they enjoy it) I think that might be considered as reality.
As for my written language I'm not a native english speaker and have very limited experience of interacting with native english speakers. I don't know other way to write or speak to make it sound not pretentious.
What do call a female getting turned on by irl men having sex? Are they considered straight?