She basically used her husband as a rebound and once she sees her ex she opens her legs and cheats.
First of all, the husband needs to dumb her ass and find someone better. He worked so hard to get her only to be cheated on. She does not love him, cuz if she did, she wouldn’t do this to him. He seems like a great guy and treated her well from the beginning. Boi, she’s no queen, she a hoe.
Also, if she can’t figure out her shit, then break up with him. You clearly don’t love him enough if you open your legs for anyone and cheat. Cheating is a HUGE NO NO for me!
Like this fucking girl is wasting someone who's kind, loving and hardworking guy. Like??? DO YOU EVEN KNOW THE PERCENT OF PEOPLE LIKE THIS??? LIKE OUT OF 10 IT'S 4-5. Come on don't waste these type of guy!!
She basically used her husband as a rebound and once she sees her ex she opens her legs and cheats.
First of all, the husband needs to dumb her ass and find someone better. He worked so hard to get her only to be cheated on. She does not love him, cuz if she did, she wouldn’t do this to him. He seems like a great guy and treated her well from the beginning. Boi, she’s no queen, she a hoe.
Also, if she can’t figure out her shit, then break up with him. You clearly don’t love him enough if you open your legs for anyone and cheat. Cheating is a HUGE NO NO for me!