
People can still enjoy the rest of the story AND point out something that seems wrong...rape is a thing and shouldn't be taken lightly or be simply dismissed. It's about calling yall's attention to issues that seem to be common among yaoi. Had the Director been conscious (or enough to give consent) then there wouldn't be an issue here. I guess we'll find out in the next update.
If some of ya'll just gonna read this and complain that how bad rape is and it should not be done, fuck off, dont read this masterpiece. Ya'll probably read Finder and a few chapters literally ''RAPE'' and ya'll enjoying it cause the seme is hot. Hot Main Seme fucking the main uke, guess its kinda ok? when the uke literally dont like it. OMG FUCK IT JUST READ IT LIKE A NORMAL FUJOSHI/FUDANSHI WOULD. JUST. ENJOY. THE. SPICY. NESS AHFAHYFEHSIYEFHSI