LOL! ok i see someone's seriously bored enough to make fun of humans' paranoia (and yes, w...

MOI? December 5, 2014 8:05 pm

LOL! ok i see someone's seriously bored enough to make fun of humans' paranoia (and yes, why Japan? what did they ever do to the US -besides Pearl Harbor) haha :'))

    kjryvlll December 9, 2014 3:44 am

    I didn't really understand your comment because of your use of syntax but it seems to have a connotation that you are saying that it only makes sense that a Japanese person would create this. If that is what you were inferring, with a name like Jacob Herrick combined with the way the art is presented, then I believe that it is incorrect because the author is most likely an American.

    Justpassingby May 28, 2015 11:23 am

    Yes this is not by a Japanese. Jacob Herrick used a manga maker software called ComiPo!