You for some reason replied three times giving me no reason as to why it was okay to put that scene other than “if you don’t like it why are you here” like twice so here’s my response:
I was HERE cos I thought this was gonna be a funny and erotic office romance manhua. It would make more sense if rape scenes occurred in psychological manhua where relationships between the couples are supposed to be fucked up.(killing stalking, painter of the night...) This isn’t that type of manhua.
And yes, I am blaming the author for not realizing how wrong it was to put that scene there, especially when so many people think that the ‘top’ in a relationship can’t be raped. Yes they can, he NEVER gave consent, he was UNCONSCIOUS.
I’m not sure what you mean when you said “ Uke puts seme's dick in himself: first world problems of no consent and rape” I need you to clarify what that meant.

Sry it's not making sense but like I'm trying to talk to you right now and I'm not replying to what you said above this but it was wrong to read this manga, honestly I knew this manga since it came out but didn't bother to read it cause I was getting bad vibes
I don't talk much in real life cause I'm afraid to be on people's bad side cause once I do i can't even support my opinion properly and it goes everywhere so ye.....

I’m kind of understanding what you’re getting at, you probably have issues with getting your point across or somewhat. It happens to many people, like me in real life, me personally, it’s easier to do it in text since I can edit and reread what I’ve written.
But from what you explicitly said “oh if you don’t like it here then why are you here” hold a huge problem with me. I don’t know if you were implying smthn else in there but from what I got, is that it’s completely acceptable for people to see this type of scene. it’s rape, he was unconscious bc he was drunk, does not give Suha the right to use his dick for his own personal needs when he could’ve taken care of it himself. It’s normalizing the fact that this IS something that happens in life, and it completely traumatizing to people. Image reading this manhua, that you thought was just gonna be funny and just two guys being fuck buddies, but out of nowhere, you see this scene and are triggered from your past trauma. The author is completely to blame, is what we’re saying, not the character obviously(they’re fake), it’s the authors fault for putting the scene in and thinking it was totally normal and not horrible at all for this to happen to people.
Well this sucks just more r*pe fetishizing :/